
The Task feature is similar to Task List, but it applies only to the selected entry. Tasks are available from the context menu Window – Panels – Task.

This feature is only available for the following data sources: Devolutions Server, Azure SQL, SQL Server, and SQLite.

Task button
Task button


Create tasks to keep track of the work that needs to be done per entry. You can Add, Edit, and Delete a task using the corresponding icons. It is also possible to Assign a User to a task, apply a Filter and Refresh the page. The refresh can be done automatically by checking the Auto refresh box.

Task Window
Task Window

Creation of tasks


For more information on how to create a task, see Task List.

Task Filter


Clicking on the Filter icon opens a window that allows you to filter the tasks in the entry by Due Date, Status or Username.

Task Filter
Task Filter


The information available is as follows: Name, Status, Priority, Due Date, Creation Date and Assigned To. For more details about this information, please refer to Task List.


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