Devolutions Send

Devolutions Send features a secure method to generate a link to share secrets instead of using insecure email to send sensitive data. Send a password through in-app secure messaging or create a shareable link to send secrets outside your organization securely.


Devolutions Send Standalone is also available if you do not have a license for one of our compatible products.

Despite sharing the same underlying architecture, slight differences exist between the feature set of the standalone and in-app versions of Devolutions Send.

  • Unique link encrypted on the client side.
  • Valid for a customizable amount of time.
  • Optional protection via a client-provided passphrase.
  • Users may be non-Devolutions users (not linked to a Devolutions account).
  • Character limit of 10 kb.
  • A sender email is required and stored with the GUID as part of the “payload” stored in the database.

Using Devolutions Send with Remote Desktop Manager

These steps are valid for Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business datasources. Only the Send a password from a credential entry is available for SQL datasources.

  1. In the ribbon, navigate to the Window tab.
  2. Click Message.
    Message button
    Message button
  3. Click Send Message.
    Send Message
    Send Message
  4. Select one of the two available options:

Send in-app

Send in-app
Send in-app
This feature is covered in Secure messages.

Create Shareable Link
Create Shareable Link

  1. Enter the information in the Message field.

      A ***Passphrase*** may be added for additional security.
  2. Click on Create Link.

    Create Link
    Create Link

  3. Copy the link and send it to the intended individual(s).

    Copy to Clipboard
    Copy to Clipboard

Send a password from a credential entry

  1. Select a credential entry.

  2. Click Send message.

    Send message
    Send message

      A ***Passphrase*** may be added for additional security. To modify the message, click on ***Reveal*** (eye button).
  3. Click Create Link.

    Create Link
    Create Link

  4. Click Copy.


  5. Send the link to the intended user(s).

Disabling Devolutions Send in Remote Desktop Manager

  1. In an SQL data source, go to the Administration tab.
  2. Click on System Settings.
    System Settings
    System Settings
  3. Under Application SpecificApplicationsGeneral, enable Disable send message in dashboard.
    Disable send message in dashboard
    Disable send message in dashboard
  4. Click Save.
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