Devolutions Hub Business is for businesses who need to share passwords and credentials within their organization.
Please consult our website for more information on this service.

Name | Name of the data source. |
Your Devolutions account email address. | |
Host | Copy in the Host field your Devolutions Hub Business URL (ex: or click on the three dots to get a drop-down list to select from. |
Open a VPN to access your data prior to connecting to your Devolutions Hub Business.

Type | Select between None or On first connect. |
RDM File | Open a VPN entry type from a RDM file before connecting to the datasource. |
Override credentials | Ovverride credentials such as Username, Domain, and Password. |
Enter the application information. Devolutions.PowerShell module (RDM cmdlets) leverages the application information for authentication, enabling seamless login without user intervention (i.e., web page opening).

Tenant ID | Enter the Tenant ID. |
Password | Enter the Password. |
These advanced settings allow to configure automatic refresh intervals, set a prompt to refresh all vaults upon startup, define a maximum file size limit for documents and attachments, and specify the timeout duration for HTTP requests.

Sync all vaults (background) | Synchronization ensures that any changes made to a vault, such as updating passwords or adding new sessions, are propagated across all connected devices and users in real-time. |
Auto refresh | Select the time interval to automatically refresh the data source. |
Prompt refresh all vault on startup | Prompt refresh all vaults on startup. |
Maximum file size (MB) | Choose the maximum file size (MB) to apply to documents and attachments. |
Http request timeout | Select the time interval to the Http request timeout. |
Auto refresh | Select the time interval to automatically refresh the data source. |
Maximum file size (MB) | Choose the maximum file size (MB) to apply to documents and attachments. |