Devolutions Account

In File – Devolutions Account, create and connect your Remote Desktop Manager to your Devolutions Account. The Devolutions Account is free for all users and includes access to the Custom installer manager.

Devolutions Account
Devolutions Account

File – Devolutions Account
File – Devolutions Account

Devolutions Account

Sign in / Sign outSign-in or out with your Devolutions Account.
Create Devolutions AccountOpens a web page to create a Devolutions Account.
Edit Devolutions AccountOpens a web page to edit your Devolutions Account.


Automatically sign-in at startupOn application startup, Remote Desktop Manager automatically connects to your Devolutions Account.
Keep me signed-inKeeps a token in memory to remain signed into your Devolutions Account.
Use application passwordUse the Application password to connect to your Devolutions Account.


Export custom installer configurationConsult Custom installer service.
Custom installer managerConsult Custom installer service.
Sign in / Sign outSign-in or out with your Devolutions Account.
Create Devolutions AccountOpens a web page to create a Devolutions Account.
Use application passwordUse the application password to connect to your Devolutions Account.
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