
The Actions tab is only available when a session is open. Available actions differ depending on the session type.

The ribbon will display the following tab when the session runs with the embedded (tabbed) display mode.

Ribbon - Actions
Ribbon - Actions


ReconnectQuickly close the session and then re-open it automatically using the resolved credentials. Note that passwords may change periodically (for instance, due to Secret Server password rotation). To fully resolve the credentials during reconnection, press Ctrl+ Reconnect All. Alternatively, you can right-click on the entry and select Ctrl+ Reconnect to achieve the same outcome. Use Reconnect to update the resolution of your embedded RDP connections when you resize the window.
CloseClose the active session.
Log OffLog off the RDP session.
Force Log OffForce log off the RDP session.
Reconnect AllReconnect all sessions using the resolved credentials. Note that passwords may change periodically (for instance, due to Secret Server password rotation). To fully resolve the credentials during reconnection, press Ctrl+ Reconnect All. Alternatively, you can right-click on the entry and select Ctrl+ Reconnect to achieve the same outcome.
Close AllClose all the opened tabs.
Close All Other TabsClose all other opened tabs.
HideHide the selected tab.


Execute Macro/ScriptDisplay a window where you can select a macro or script, as well as the execution options.
Type ClipboardSend the content of the clipboard over to the opened session.


UndockUndock your embedded session and move it anywhere outside Remote Desktop Manager or even on another monitor.
Full ScreenDisplay your session in full screen outside Remote Desktop Manager.
Work Area ScreenOpen the connection in full screen and have access to your local taskbar.


Keep tab on disconnectYour session tab will stay after a session disconnect. For more information, see Keep tabs open.
Smart SizingEnable or disable the RDP smart sizing. This setting will determine whether or not the client computer can scale the content on the remote computer to fit the window size of the client computer.
Smart ReconnectAutomatically reconnect your session with the most appropriate band.
Windows Key on the Remote ComputerWhen enabling Windows key, it will send the function to your host instead of running it on your computer.


This tab contains multiple type of commands and keystrokes combinations to affect the current session in a variety of instances. As such, these commands depend on the currently selected (and opened) entry. For a few example scenarios, refer to the following topics:

Session add-ons may add custom command in this section, they will not be documented in these topics but rather in the add-on documentation.


Send to ClipboardPerforms a typical capture to the clipboard.
Save to FilePrompts for a file name and saves the capture to that file.
Save to File and OpenPrompts for a file name and saves the capture to that file, then automatically opens the file using your default editor.


RecordRecord your screen in an MP4 format. We recommend the use of a VLC player to view the recorded video.

These actions are also available by right-clicking on the tab of an embedded session.

Actions Context Menu of an Embedded Session
Actions Context Menu of an Embedded Session

The Actions ribbon contains operations that can only be performed on a running session. The Actions menu will not be visible if there is no active running session. For our example we are running an RDP session, the ribbon will display the following tab when the session is in embedded mode.

Actions Ribbon
Actions Ribbon

Alternatively, the Actions are also available by right-clicking on the tab of an embedded session.



The Connect actions allows you to reconnect\disconnect from one or multiple session(s) simultaneously. Actions are different depending on your selected session type.

ReconnectQuickly close the session and then re-open it automatically. Use it to update the resolution of your embedded RDP connections when you resize the window.
CloseClose the active session.
Close AllClose all the opened sessions.
Close All Other tabsClose all the opened sessions except the active one.
LogoffLogoff the active session.
ExecuteExecute the selected macro or script in the previous window or in the current tab.


The Commands are actions sent to the remote session, they are therefore different depending on your session type.

Send Ctrl+Alt+DeleteSend the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete to the host.
CharmsOn Windows 8 or Windows 2012 server, displays the Charms bar (Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings bar).
App BarOn Windows 8 or Windows 2012 server, displays the App bar to show navigation, commands, and tools.
App SwitchOn Windows 8 or Windows 2012 server, switches from one application to another.
View OnlyPrevent the session from receiving any input from the keyboard or the mouse. This feature was requested to allow monitoring while preventing manipulation errors. Use it to have a read only access to the remote server.


Keep tab on disconnectYour session tab will stay open after a session disconnect.
Save Session asSave your open session as a new entry.
DuplicateOpen a duplicate tab your opened session.
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