
Remote Desktop Manager can be downloaded as setup files or as a binary compressed file (ZIP) via our Devolutions website. It can also be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.


Depending on the downloaded media, either run the setup or extract the files from the archive in any folder and launch the executable.

If you wish to use a portable device or run multiple independent copies of the application, please consult Portable (USB).

 Windows (.exe) Download Remote Desktop Manager as an executable file.
 Windows (.zip) Download Remote Desktop Manager as a compressed zipped file.
 Windows (.msi) Download Remote Desktop Manager as a Microsoft Software Installer file.
 Windows (.7z, x64) Download Remote Desktop Manager as a highly compressed, pre-optimized for x64, .7z file. Use for better startup performance.
 Windows (.7z, arm64) Download Remote Desktop Manager as a highly compressed, pre-optimized for armx64, .7z file. Use for better startup performance.


Remote Desktop Manager Team Edition comes with a 30 day-trial. If you possess a purchased license of the Team Edition, please follow the instructions in Team edition. To register the Free Edition, please refer to Free edition.

Data source

By default, a local data source is created using the SQLite format. You can add as many data sources as needed. Please consult Data sources for more information.

To use a SQL Server or Azure SQL data source, refer to Configure SQL Server or Configure Azure SQL.

External applications

Configure your installation path for all external applications you intend to use such as RealVNC, Putty, Filezilla, etc. Set the paths in File – Settings – Application – Paths.

Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Services

Please consult Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Services.

Remote Desktop Manager macOS can be downloaded as a DMG file via our Devolutions website.


Depending on the downloaded media, either run the setup or extract the files from the archive in any folder and launch the executable.


Remote Desktop Manager Team Edition comes with a 30 day-trial. If you possess a purchased license of the Team Edition, please follow the instructions in Team edition. To register the Free Edition, please refer to Free edition.

Data source

By default, a local data source is created using the SQLite format. You can add as many data sources as needed. Please consult Data sources for more information.

To use a SQL Server or Azure SQL data source, refer to Configure SQL Server or Configure Azure SQL.

Remote Desktop Manager can be downloaded as DEB or RPM files via the Devolutions website.


Remote Desktop Manager Team Edition comes with a 30 day-trial. If you possess a purchased license of the Team Edition, please follow the instructions in Team edition. To register the Free Edition, please refer to Free edition.

Data source

By default, a local data source is created using the SQLite format. You can add as many data sources as needed. Please consult Data sources for more information.

To use a SQL Server or Azure SQL data source, refer to Configure SQL Server or Configure Azure SQL.


Depending on the downloaded media, either run the setup or extract the files from the archive in any folder and launch the executable. If this method of installation does not meet your needs, follow the instructions below.

Repo method

Devolutions offer RDM through Cloudsmith for Debian and RedHat-based distributions. For Arch-based distributions, the package is available through AUR, and finally, Devolutions offers a Flatpak package that should cover most other platforms.

Debian and other Debian-based distributions

The repository must be set up before installing Remote Desktop Manager through Cloudsmith on any Debian-based distributions, including but not limited to Ubuntu, Pop!_Os, and Kali Linux.

The following example showcases an Ubuntu system using APT as package manager.

  1. To set up the repositary, run the bash script that most fit your needs from the choices below:

Cloudsmith's automatic setup:
curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E bash
Forced specific distribution, release/version, architecture:
curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E distro=some-distro codename=some-codename arch=some-arch bash
Manual configuration:
apt-get install -y debian-keyring  # debian only
apt-get install -y debian-archive-keyring  # debian only
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
# For Debian Stretch, Ubuntu 16.04 and later
# For Debian Jessie, Ubuntu 15.10 and earlier
curl -1sLf '' |  gpg --dearmor >> ${keyring_location}
curl -1sLf '' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devolutions-rdm.list
apt-get update

Be sure to replace ubuntu and xenial in the above with your actual operating system (distribution and distribution release/version).

  1. Install the package through your chosen package manager (APT here) by running the following script:

sudo apt-get install remotedesktopmanager

RedHat and RedHat-based systems

The repository must be set up before installing Remote Desktop Manager through Cloudsmith on any RedHat-based distributions, including but not limited to RHEL, CentOS, SUSE, Fedora. For specific distribution based instructions please refer to Cloudsmith’s guide.

The following example showcases a Fedora system using DNF as package manager.

  1. To set up the repositary, run the bash script that most fit your needs from the choices below:

Cloudsmith's automatic setup
curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E bash
Forced specific distribution, release/version, architecture
curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E distro=some-distro codename=some-codename arch=some-arch bash
Manual configuration
dnf install yum-utils pygpgme

rpm --import ''
curl -1sLf '' > /tmp/devolutions-rdm.repo
dnf config-manager --add-repo '/tmp/devolutions-rdm.repo'
dnf -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='devolutions-rdm' --enablerepo='devolutions-rdm-source'

Be sure to replace fedora and 29 in the above with your actual operating system (distribution and distribution release/version).

  1.  Install the package through your chosen package manager (DNF here) by running the following script:

sudo dnf-get install remotedesktopmanager

Arch or Arch-based systems

For Arch-based distributions, including but not limited to Arch, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Devolutions strongly recommends Yay. The package can also be built from scratch.

Installing Remote Desktop Manager using Yay
  1. If Yay is not already installed on the machine, do so by using this script:

sudo pacman -Sy yay
  1. Install the remote-desktop-manager package:

yay -Sy remote-desktop-manager
  1. Run a full system synchronization (recommended):

yay -Syu

or only upgrade the remote-desktop-manager package (may cause dependency issues):

yay -Sy remote-desktop-manager
Building the package using Pacman
  1. Install base-devel with the following script:

sudo pacman -S base-devel
  1. Clone the remote-desktop-manager repository in a particular location:

git clone
  1. Build and install the pack by running this script and replacing "path_to_the_cloned_repo":

cd path_to_the_cloned_repo/
makepkg -si

Flatpak-supported distributions

To install Remote Desktop Manager on Flatpak-supported distributions, start by setting up Flatpak on the machine according to Flatpak's Quick Setup page. Then, install the package using flathub by running these scripts:

flatpak install flathub net.devolutions.RDM
flatpak run net.devolutions.RDM

Manual installation on unsupported systems

Here is a simple guide to help installing Remote Desktop Manager Linux on an unsupported distro.

Here are required dependencies:

  • glibc 2.29

  • libwebkit2gtk-4.0 or libwebkit2gtk-4.1

  • ca-certificates

  • libsecret-1-0

  • gnome-keyring

  • libvte-2.91

Devolutions also suggests the following libraries:

  • libappindicator

  • xdotool

  • lsof

Install Remote Desktop Manager Linux using the following steps:

  1. Download the latest .deb version of Remote Desktop Manager.

  2. Make a directory:

    mkdir ./extractedData/

  3. Move the DEB file to the newly created folder and open that same folder:

    mv ./RemoteDesktopManager_x.x.x.x_amd64.deb ./extractedData cd ./extractedData

  4. Extract the DEB file's content:

    ar -x RemoteDesktopManager_x.x.x.x_amd64.deb

  5. Extract data.tar.xz content:

    tar -xf data.tar.xz

  6. Copy the extracted data’s bin/remotedesktopmananger to /bin:

    cp -r /bin/remotedesktopmananger /bin

  7. Copy the extracted data’s usr/lib/devolutions/RemoteDesktopManager to /usr/lib/devolutions/RemoteDesktopManager:

    cp -r /usr/lib/devolutions/RemoteDesktopManager /usr/lib/devolutions/RemoteDesktopManager

Remote Desktop Manager can then be launched using the remotedesktopmanager terminal command.

On the Apple Store, search for the Remote Desktop Manager application and install the application on your device.

When launching the application on your device, the Master password window will appear, you can either decide to enter a password protecting Remote Desktop Manager, which will prompt you for your password every time you open the application or if you leave the field blank the application will open without prompting you for a password. You can also choose to use Touch ID and Face ID. Master password window

Remote Desktop Manager iOS automatically creates an XML data source the first time it is launched if you choose to skip the Setup Wizard. XML data source

On the Google Play Store store, search for the Remote Desktop Manager application and install the application on your device.

When launching the application on your device, the Master Password window will appear, you can either decide to enter a password protecting Remote Desktop Manager, which will prompt you for your password every time you open the application or if you leave the field blank the application will open without prompting your for a password.

Remote Desktop Manager Android will automatically create an XML data source upon first launch.

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