Offline mode

The Offline Mode connects to a local copy of the data source when you are not connected to the data source. This is useful when working from a remote location and the network is unreachable or if there is any kind of connectivity issue.

The read/write offline mode adds to users the possibility to manipulate entries while disconnected from the data source. This is useful for off-site personnel or when working in environments that have sporadic network availability.

The offline cache is first encrypted using our own private key mixed with some information taken from the local computer. This makes it impossible for a copy on another machine to be readable. By default it is also encrypted with Windows NTFS encryption, in which case there is no key saved anywhere.

For added security, offline files are set to expire after a delay. The default expiry is set to 7 days but can be modified via the System settings.

This feature is not available for all data sources, please consult the help topic of the respective data source to know if it supports offline mode. Additionally, several features are not available in offline mode, such as attachments, logs, and user management (add/edit/delete users).


The availability of the offline mode depends on several settings:

The lowest setting (in terms of security) prevails over the others, which may prevent you from using the offline mode. If the Go Offline button is not available, please consult your administrator.

The Data Source Information displays the size of the offline cache file along with the effective modes (Disabled, Read-only, or Read/write).

File – My Data Source Information – Offline mode
File – My Data Source Information – Offline mode

Data source offline caching mode

To enable offline mode on the data source, the caching mode must be set to File or In-Memory in FileData SourcesAdvancedCaching Mode.

This step cannot be modified remotely once you have exported your data source settings. You should take a moment and think about the needs of your data source and select what is appropriate before moving on to exporting.

Data source offline caching mode
Data source offline caching mode




Prevents offline cache from being used.


Uses the offline cache only for recent changes, but prevents it from writing on the disk


Uses the offline cache only for recent changes. The cache will write on the disk.

Some features of Remote Desktop Manager are unavailable while offline. Even with the read/write access mode, you may not be able to perform all actions, such as adding attachments or managing users, since these features are not cached locally. On the other hand, the user vault is still available in offline mode.

User account offline mode setting

To enable a user account to use offline mode, go to AdministrationUsersEditSettings, and set the Offline mode setting to Cache-only, Read-only or Read/write.

User management
User management




Prevents an offline cache from being used.

Cache only

Allows to save a cache of the data source, but not the offline mode.


Allows to view and use entries only. The content of the data source cannot be modified.


Allows to view, use, and edit entries. Conflicts caused by offline modifications are managed when back online.


User groups policies (only for Devolutions Server data sources)

User groups policies (only for Devolutions Server data sources) must be set to Cache-only, Read-only or Read/write in AdministrationUser groupsEditSettings.

User groups policies
User groups policies




Prevents an offline cache from being used.

Cache only

Allows to save a cache of the data source, but not the offline mode.


Allows to view and use entries only. The content of the data source cannot be modified.


Allows to view, use, and edit entries. Conflicts caused by offline modifications are managed when back online.


Data source System settings

To allow offline mode for a data source, go to AdministrationSystem SettingsCache/Offline, and set Offline mode to Cache-only, Read-only or Read/write. For the system-level offline mode, an Expiration time can be defined as well.

System settings
System settings

Vault settings

For each vault, go to AdministrationVault SettingsSecurity Settings, and set Allow offline to Yes.


Going offline

Once the user, user groups (for Devolutions Server data sources), vault, and data source settings allow for offline mode, Remote Desktop Manager will prompt for offline mode when the application is unable to reach the data source. The offline mode can also be toggled manually via FileGo offline or by clicking the Go offline button located in the bottom pane.

Go offline buttons
Go offline buttons

Grant/deny Offline

A user must be granted Read/Write at all levels to allow read/write privileges. Here is a table recapitulating all the settings/permissions along with the effective access they grant:





Disabled or Read-only or Read/write

Disabled or Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline disabled


Disabled or Read-only or Read/write

Disabled or Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline enabled


Disabled or Read-only or Read/write


Allow offline enabled



Disabled or Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline enabled


Read-only or Read/write

Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline disabled


Read-only or Read/write

Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline enabled


Read-only or Read/write


Allow offline enabled



Read-only or Read/write

Allow offline enabled




Allow offline enabled


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