Select a data source type – small teams

This topic is for small teams of at most 15 users that use the functionality offered by our Team Edition.

To help you select a data source type, here is a set of concerns and the list of SQL data sources that can serve in such a a context.

When choosing any type of data source that is not on-premises, you must consider the security of the data at rest and intransit. We strongly recommend that you further encrypt your data using a master key for file-based solutions ora security providerfor advanced data sources. This ensures that only youcan read the data.

For additional security features such as encryption at rest and in transit, no direct database access, andzero-knowkedge encryption, considerour enterprise data sources.

Database not accessible to end users Notes 1 and 2 Note 1
AD accounts used for authentication
Data stored on-premises
Activity logs
Data accessible globally Note 3
Optional local cache of connections


Note 1

Administrators can create end user accounts without sharing passwords. A locked data source definition is imported for each end user. This requires a lot of manual work by the administrator.

Note 2

Integrated security a Microsoft technology that allows access to an instance of SQL Server without sending credentials, using the token provided by the authentication in your Windows computer. This allows users to connect directly to the database using other tools. It should not be used if you need to prevent direct access to the database.

Our SQL Server data source provides a third authentication option, namely the Custom (Devolutions) user type. This allows the user to be impersonated and therefore not be made aware of the credentials used to connect to the database. See User Management for details.

Note 3

You can expose a database to the Internet, but you have to use SSL/TLS to encrypt the traffic and also protect against DDoS attacks. Cloud services like Azure have this concern at the forefront. The default firewall settings should be to block everything and then add exceptions and rules. It is also necessary to open the minimum number of required ports, add the numbers of those ports to the exception list, and filter all future requests based on their origin.