Convert virtual folders in Remote Desktop Manager

Manual method

Deleting virtual folders can be done by manually editing each virtual folder, saving the changes and converting them into real folders. However, this process becomes time-consuming when dealing with a significant number of virtual folders, as it requires converting each one manually.

PowerShell method

Before proceeding with the PowerShell method, please take note of the following:

  • This method deletes all virtual folders in the data source vaults.
  • Delete duplicate folders before running the PowerShell script from the new entry.
  1. Launch Remote Desktop Manager as an administrator by right-clicking on the application and choosing Run as administrator.
  2. Select the data source vaults from which you want to convert all virtual folders in the Navigation pane.
  3. Add a new entry.
  4. Go to Session – PowerShell to create a PowerShell session entry.
    PowerShell session entry
    PowerShell session entry
  5. Name the entry and choose the folder in which you want to create it.
  6. Set the entry to Embedded Script.
    Embedded script
    Embedded script
  7. Click on Edit embedded script.
    Edit embedded script
    Edit embedded script
  8. Add the following script:
#check if Remote Desktop Manager PS module is installedif(-not (Get-Module Devolutions.PowerShell -ListAvailable)){    Install-Module Devolutions.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser}$beforeAllGroups = Get-Date$vaults = Get-RDMVaultforeach ($vault in $vaults){    Set-RDMCurrentRepository -Repository $vault    $vaultname = $vault.Name    Write-Host "Current Vault is "$vaultname    # Get all entries' folder path    $sessions = Get-RDMSession    $allGroups = @()    foreach($session in $sessions)    {        # Split the group folder location for each shortcut        $tempFolder = $session.Group        $shortcuts = $tempFolder.split(';')        foreach ($shortcut in $shortcuts)        {            $folder = $shortcut            if ($folder)            {                $levels = $folder.split('\')                $nblevels = 1                $Groupfolder = ""                foreach($level in $levels)                {                    $name = $level                    if ($nblevels -eq 1)                    {                        $Groupfolder = $name                    }                    else                    {                        $Groupfolder = $Groupfolder + "\" + $name                    }                    $item = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $name; Group = $Groupfolder; Levels = $nbLevels}                    $allGroups += $item                    $nblevels++                }            }        }    }    # Get all folders that exist in the database    $groups = Get-RDMSession | where {$_.ConnectionType -eq "Group"}    $realGroups = @()    foreach ($group in $groups)    {        # Split the group folder location for each shortcut        $tempFolder = $group.Group        $shortcuts = $tempFolder.split(';')        foreach ($shortcut in $shortcuts)        {            $folder = $group.Group            if ($folder)            {                $levels = $folder.split('\')                $nbLevels = $levels.Count                $name = $group.Name                $item = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $name; Group = $folder; Levels = $nbLevels}                $realGroups += $item            }        }    }    # Sort arrays and extratc virtual folders    $realGroups = $realGroups | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique    $allGroups = $allGroups | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique    $results = $allGroups | where {$realGroups.Group -notcontains $_.Group}    $results = $results | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique    # Convert virtual folders in the database    foreach ($group in $results)    {        $name = $group.Name        $folder = $group.Group        try        {            $session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession -ErrorAction Stop            Update-RDMUI        }        catch        {            # Split the parent folder            $tempFolder = $folder.Replace("\$name",'')            $parents = $tempFolder.split('\')            foreach ($parent in $parents)            {                try                {                    $exist = Get-RDMSession -Name $parent -ErrorAction Stop                }                catch                {                    $name = $parent                    $index = $parents.Indexof($parent)                    $folder = ""                    for ($item = 0;$item -le $index;$item++)                    {                        if ($item -gt 0)                        {                            $folder += "\"                        }                        $folder += $parents[$item]                    }                    $session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession                    Update-RDMUI                    Write-Host "Virtual folder $name has been successfully created in the database!"                }            }            $name = $group.Name            $folder = $group.Group            $session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession            Update-RDMUI        }        Write-Host "Virtual folder $name has been successfully created in the database!"    }}$afterCreatingGroups = Get-DateWrite-Host "Time taken to convert virtual folders: $(($afterCreatingGroups).Subtract($beforeAllGroups).Seconds) second(s)"
  1. Click OK to apply the script.
  2. Click OK the save the entry settings and close the window.
  3. Click on Open Session to run the entry.
    Open session
    Open session

The script will now convert all virtual folders in the data source vaults.

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