Disable UDP usage in Remote Desktop Manager

Disabling UDP usage can sometimes resolve issues, notably those related to Remote Desktop Manager hanging during the log-off process of an RDP session. You can disable it via Remote Desktop Manager or via the registry.

Disable UDP usage via Remote Desktop Manager

On all sessions

  1. Run Remote Desktop Manager as an administrator.

  2. In the ribbon, go to Tools – More tools. Tools – More tools

  3. Select the Local RDP/RemoteApp Manager from the tools list. Local RDP/RemoteApp Manager

  4. Disable UDP settings. Disable UDP settings

On a per-session basis

  1. In Remote Desktop Manager, first ensure RDP API hooking is enabled in File – Settings – Types – Sessions – Remote Desktop (RDP) – Enable API hooking. Save your changes if applicable. File – Settings – Types – Sessions – Remote Desktop (RDP) – Enable API hooking

  2. Select your RDP entry and go to its properties. RDP entry properties

  3. In the General section, go to the Advanced tab and set Disable UDP transport to Yes. General – Advanced – Disable UDP transport

  4. Click Update to save your changes.

Disable UDP usage via the registry on the client workstation

  1. In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Client.

  2. Create a DWORD named fClientDisableUDP and assign it a value of 1.

Consult this Microsoft support article for more information: Windows registry information for advanced users.

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