Manual method
Deleting virtual folders can be done by manually editing each virtual folder, saving the changes and converting them into real folders. However, this process becomes time-consuming when dealing with a significant number of virtual folders, as it requires converting each one manually.
PowerShell method
Before proceeding with the PowerShell method, please take note of the following:
- This method deletes all virtual folders in the data source vaults.
- Delete duplicate folders before running the PowerShell script from the new entry.
- Launch Remote Desktop Manager as an administrator by right-clicking on the application and choosing Run as administrator.
- Select the data source vaults from which you want to convert all virtual folders in the Navigation pane.
- Add a new entry.
- Go to Session – PowerShell to create a PowerShell session entry.
- Name the entry and choose the folder in which you want to create it.
- Set the entry to Embedded Script.
- Click on Edit embedded script.
- Add the following script:
#check if Remote Desktop Manager PS module is installed
if(-not (Get-Module Devolutions.PowerShell -ListAvailable)){
Install-Module Devolutions.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser
$beforeAllGroups = Get-Date
$vaults = Get-RDMVault
foreach ($vault in $vaults)
Set-RDMCurrentRepository -Repository $vault
$vaultname = $vault.Name
Write-Host "Current Vault is "$vaultname
# Get all entries' folder path
$sessions = Get-RDMSession
$allGroups = @()
foreach($session in $sessions)
# Split the group folder location for each shortcut
$tempFolder = $session.Group
$shortcuts = $tempFolder.split(';')
foreach ($shortcut in $shortcuts)
$folder = $shortcut
if ($folder)
$levels = $folder.split('\')
$nblevels = 1
$Groupfolder = ""
foreach($level in $levels)
$name = $level
if ($nblevels -eq 1)
$Groupfolder = $name
$Groupfolder = $Groupfolder + "\" + $name
$item = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $name; Group = $Groupfolder; Levels = $nbLevels}
$allGroups += $item
# Get all folders that exist in the database
$groups = Get-RDMSession | where {$_.ConnectionType -eq "Group"}
$realGroups = @()
foreach ($group in $groups)
# Split the group folder location for each shortcut
$tempFolder = $group.Group
$shortcuts = $tempFolder.split(';')
foreach ($shortcut in $shortcuts)
$folder = $group.Group
if ($folder)
$levels = $folder.split('\')
$nbLevels = $levels.Count
$name = $group.Name
$item = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = $name; Group = $folder; Levels = $nbLevels}
$realGroups += $item
# Sort arrays and extratc virtual folders
$realGroups = $realGroups | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique
$allGroups = $allGroups | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique
$results = $allGroups | where {$realGroups.Group -notcontains $_.Group}
$results = $results | Sort-Object -Property Levels, Name, Group -Unique
# Convert virtual folders in the database
foreach ($group in $results)
$name = $group.Name
$folder = $group.Group
$session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession -ErrorAction Stop
# Split the parent folder
$tempFolder = $folder.Replace("\$name",'')
$parents = $tempFolder.split('\')
foreach ($parent in $parents)
$exist = Get-RDMSession -Name $parent -ErrorAction Stop
$name = $parent
$index = $parents.Indexof($parent)
$folder = ""
for ($item = 0;$item -le $index;$item++)
if ($item -gt 0)
$folder += "\"
$folder += $parents[$item]
$session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession
Write-Host "Virtual folder $name has been successfully created in the database!"
$name = $group.Name
$folder = $group.Group
$session = New-RDMSession -Name $name -Group $folder -Type Group -SetSession
Write-Host "Virtual folder $name has been successfully created in the database!"
$afterCreatingGroups = Get-Date
Write-Host "Time taken to convert virtual folders: $(($afterCreatingGroups).Subtract($beforeAllGroups).Seconds) second(s)"
- Click OK to apply the script.
- Click OK the save the entry settings and close the window.
- Click on Open Session to run the entry.
The script will now convert all virtual folders in the data source vaults.