This information below applies to installations with data sources that are using a database as their data store.
Some Remote Desktop Manager macOS releases must alter the database structure. These are performed automatically for you but it is a best practice to perform a backup of your data source beforehand. Additionally, if you are in a team environment, you must be the sole user connected to the database during the upgrade.
Key points to consider:
- The user performing the actions on this screen must have administrative privileges on the database management system. You must also be SYSDBA or DB_OWNER.
- Perform a database backup and ensure that you can quickly perform a restore if the need arises.
- If your organization allows for a read/write offline cache, ensure that all of your users have merged their offline edits.
Follow these steps for a successful version update:
Ensure you are the sole user of the database during the upgrade process. If you environment allows for offline use, have your team switch to the offline mode; or have them switch to another datasource
Back up your database using the database tools.
Open Remote Desktop Manager macOS while logged on as a user with administrative rights. You must also be SYSDBA or DB_OWNER.
You may be prompted with an upgrade message when your data source is accessed. If so, accept the upgrade or using File – Data sources, locate and edit your data source to upgrade.
Switch to the Upgrade tab, then click on Update Database.
Option Description Test Server Test the connection with the server to validate if the proper information has been provided. Create Database Create the database on the SQL server. Update Database Follow these steps for a successful version update: - Ensure you are the sole user of the database during the upgrade process.
- Back up your database using the DBMS tools.
- Open Remote Desktop Manager macOS while logged on as a user with administrative rights. You must also be SYSDBA or DB_OWNER.
- You may be prompted with an upgrade message when your data source is accessed. If so accept the upgrade.
- Update the client software on all workstations.
Test Database Test the connection to the database to validate if the proper information has been provided. The test database uses the name of the database in the General tab. View upgrade script Allow viewing the updated script before the launch of the database update. -
Wait for a success message.
Close the dialog.
Ensure your Remote Desktop Manager macOS is currently using that data source.
Press Ctrl+F5 to force a full refresh.
Validate the content and perform a check of the technologies that are most critical in your environment.
Update the client software on all workstations.