AggregateException - one or more errors occurred

During a connection to the Devolutions Cloud, Remote Desktop Manager returns an error beginning with the following text:

AggregateException - One or more errors occurred.

at Devolutions.RemoteDesktopManager.RDMOProxy.RDMOWebApiClient.Login(String datasourceID, Boolean forcePromptLucid, String source)

Depending on the exact cause of the error, several options can solve this issue.

Solution 1

  1. Go to File – Settings – Application – Proxy (Web) – Proxy Settings.
  2. If you do not have a custom Proxy configured, try the System Default option. If that does not work, try again with No Proxy.
  3. If you are in a team environment, we recommend consulting your Administrator to know if you should be using a specific Custom proxy.

Solution 2

If you are using the Devolutions Online Drive data sources, or if you are using the Devolutions Cloud backup, this solution might not help, as a connection with the Devolutions Cloud is needed to use them.

  1. Go to File – Devolutions account.
  2. Uncheck the Automatic sign-in at startup option.

Solution 3

  1. Go to File – Settings – Security and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. Under Certificate Security, enable Ignore application certificate errors and disable Check for server certificate revocation.
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