System Information report WMI commands

Here are the WMI commands used by the System Information Report entry in Remote Desktop Manager.

WMI commands used by the System Information Report entry
WMI commands used by the System Information Report entry

Logical drives

Perform the WMI query "Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk" and then filter on the result.

Network adapters

Perform the WMI query "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" and then filter on the result.


Look in the following registry keys for the installed software through WMI using the StdRegProv class.






<USER SID>\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

<USER SID>\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products

All of the necessary information for the list of products is contained within these registry keys.


The system setting contains multiple different calls over WMI.

Bios information: Fetch the information in the Win32_Bios class.

TPM information: Fetch the information in the Win32_Tpm class.

CDRom information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_CDROMDrive" and then filter on the result.

Computer system information: Fetch the Win32_ComputerSystem class

Memory information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory" and then filter on the result.

Monitor information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor" and then filter on the result.

Motherboard information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard" and then filter on the result.

Processor information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor" and then filter on the result.

Sound device information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice" and then filter on the result.

Video controller information: Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController" and then filter on the result.

Other device information:

Perform the following queries and filter the results:

"SELECT * FROM Win32_Keyboard"

"SELECT * FROM Win32_PointingDevice"

Operating system information:

For the main OS version, fetch the Win32_OperatingSystem class.

For the build version, use the StdRegProv class to access the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion to check the version.

Antivirus: We switch to the WMI context SecurityCenter2, then fetch the information from the AntivirusProduct class.

Local accounts

Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Account" and then filter on the result.


Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer" and then filter on the result.


Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service" and then filter on the results.


Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Share" and then filter on the result.


Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_StartupCommand where User != '.DEFAULT' and User != 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'" and then filter on the results.

Windows hotfixes

Perform the query "SELECT * FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering" and then filter on the result.

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