Unable to export entries

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Unable to export entries in Remote Desktop Manager with administrator rights or receiving error message stating: No entry to export.


Validate all the following settings and policies for the export to work.

  1. Validate that these policies are unchecked in Help - Diagnostic - Policy If they are checked, see Apply policies to manage them.
  • Disable the reveal password feature
  • Remove possibility to see passwords entirely

Disable the reveal password feature and remove possibility to see passwords entirely
Disable the reveal password feature and remove possibility to see passwords entirely

  1. Validate that Allow reveal password for administrator and authorized users is check in Administration - System Settings - Password Policy - Advanced.

    Allow reveal password for administrator and authorized users
    Allow reveal password for administrator and authorized users

  2. In File – Data sources select the data source and click Edit Data Source.

  3. Validate that Disable reveal password is unchecked in the Advanced tab (not all data sources have this option).

    Disable reveal password
    Disable reveal password

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