The user lost their phone that contains the MFA for their data source. Note that the solution below will not work for SQL data sources and lost master passwords on local datasources.
Please refer to Lost the MFA set on Devolutions Server if you are a Devolutions Server user who lost their MFA. If you are a Devolutions Online Drive or Devolutions Account user, refer to MFA set and lost on Devolutions Account or Devolutions Online Drive for recovery steps.
Close Remote Desktop Manager.
Find these two files and delete them:
If the application was installed by default, you can locate the file:
For the Team Edition: %localappdata%\Devolutions\RemoteDesktopManager
For the Free Edition: %localappdata%\Devolutions\RemoteDesktopManage
Launch Remote Desktop Manager.
The user lost their phone that contains the MFA for their data source. Note that the solution below will not work for SQL data sources and lost master passwords on local datasources.
Please refer to Lost the MFA set on Devolutions Server if you are a Devolutions Server user who lost their MFA.
Please refer to MFA set and lost on Devolutions Account or (Devolutions Online Drive) if you are a Devolutions Online Drive or Devolutions Account user who lost their MFA.
Close Remote Desktop Manager macOS.
Find these two files and delete them:
If the application was installed by default, you can locate the file here: /Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/com.Devolutions.RemoteDesktopManager
Find these two files and delete them:Launch Remote Desktop Manager macOS.