RDP session entry

This topic describes all available options specific to this entry. Each chapter represents a tab in the options menu.

The following properties can be configured when creating or editing the RDP entry. Most of the general properties require you to close the RDP entry completely, then reopen it to take effect.

NameThe name of the RDP entry.
FolderThe folder of the RDP entry. A folder can be added by clicking the arrow or the three dots to open the folder window. To create a new folder, select the plus icon.
DisplayHow the RDP entry is displayed.Embedded (tabbed) means that the remote desktop connection is open within the same window as the other tabs or entries. Each connection has its own tab, making it easy to switch between them. An external display indicates that the remote desktop connection is open in a separate window or a different application altogether. This approach is useful when you want to view the remote session in a dedicated window, separate from the main application. An undocked display refers to the remote desktop connection being detached from the main window, similar to an external display. It allows you to move and resize the remote session window freely on your desktop.
HostCustom lets you select the host.Linked (Vault) indicates that the host for the RDP entry is linked to an external vault. Inherited is used when the host is inherited from a higher-level or parent entry.


  • Username and password: You will set the username and password in the General tab.

  • Linked (vault): Links to credentials available in the current shared vault.

  • Inherited: Inheritance means that credentials will automatically be passed down from a higher-level entry to lower-level entries that inherit from it.

  • My personal credentials: These credentials are not entry specific but are instead taken from the option under FileMy account settingsLocal credentialsMy personal credentials.

  • None: Remote Desktop Manager will not send credentials to the entry.

  • Find by name (user vault): Searches for the name of an entry in the user vault.

  • My privileged account: These credentials are not entry specific but are instead taken from the option under FileMy account settingsLocal credentialsMy privileged account.

General tab

RDP entry general properties
RDP entry general properties
Azure AD host Remotely access and manage the server or virtual machine safely over RDP with Azure AD credentials.
Host Choose the host from the Computer list window. You can also expand your search by clicking on the three dots at the bottom left of the window and selecting either Search in Active Directory, Search in Network Neighborhood, and Select by IP Address.
Port Choose the Port. To generate new ports, click on the Port Generator icon. You can also include well known ports, registered ports, and ports used by other sessions.
RDP type Choose from Normal, Azure Cloud Services, and Hyper-V (embedded only). For Azure Cloud Services, you will need to input both the Role name and the ID. Clicking Hyper-V (embedded only) requires you to provide the Hyper-V instance.
Username Choose a Username.
Domain Enter the Domain.
Password Provide a Password. Check Always ask password if needed, and Open console (Admin mode) to open the console in admin mode when you log in.

Display tab

Display properties
Display properties



Screen sizing mode

The Screen sizing mode defines how the host resolution adapts to the current screen configuration by default. Here are the options available:

  • Default, which uses the value defined in FileSettingsEntry types SessionsRemote desktop (RDP).

  • Smart reconnect, which adjusts the host's resolution to match the window when resizing. For RDP hosts prior to version 8.1 or when using the FreeRDP, a reconnection is initiated to accomplish the resolution synchronization. By using this option, you need to specify a Delay on login (in seconds).

  • Smart sizing, which stretches the original resolution to fit window when resized. This disables the Zoom option.

  • Scrollbar, which adds scrollbars if the resolution exceeds the window dimensions when resized. If the resolution is smaller than the window, gray borders appear around it. The resolution remains unchanged and scrollbars are added as needed.

  • Dynamic resolution, which adjusts the host resolution to the window's dimensions when resizing, without reconnection.

Remote desktop size

The Remote desktop size defines the default dimensions of the RDP session window when you open it. You can still change the window size while you are in the session, but it will reset back to the default value you set in the properties the next time you open the entry. Here are the available options:

  • Default, which uses the size set in FileSettingsEntry typesSessions Remote desktop (RDP).

  • Fullscreen, which fills the entire screen with the RDP session.

  • Custom, which allows for a Custom width and Custom height for the RDP session.

  • Current screen size, which matches the RDP session with the current screen size.

  • Current work area size, which matches the RDP session with the current work area size.


The content of your RDP session window can be zoomed in or out when opening the entry. The settings range from a 50% zoom to a 300% zoom. The zoom is set to 100% by default (meaning the session keeps its original size). You can still zoom in or out while you are in the session, but it will reset back to the default value you set in the properties the next time you open the entry.


Customize the color depth of the RDP session display. The Highest Quality (32 bits) is set by default. Note that settings on the remote computer might override this one.

Display the connection bar when in full screen mode

If enabled, the connection bar is displayed at the top of the remote session window when displayed in full screen.

Connection bar pinned (full screen)

If enabled, the connection bar is pinned at the top of the remote session window when displayed in full screen. If you wish, the bar can still be unpinned while you are in the session by clicking on the pushpin icon in the bar, but the next time you open the session, it will be pinned again. Note that theDisplay the connection bar when in full screen modesetting overrides this one. In other words, if you disable the connection bar, it will not be pinned since it is not displayed.

Local resources tab

Local resources properties
Local resources properties



Sound hook

Configure how sound from the remote system is played back. This can be either on the remote system itself, on the local system. Here are the available options:

  • Bring to this computer, which redirects all audio from the remote computer to play on the local computer.

  • Do not play, which disables audio playback entirely during the RDP session. No sound will be played on either the local or remote system.

  • Leave at remote computer, which keeps all audio playback on the remote computer, without redirecting it to the local system.

  • Default (Bring to this computer), which redirects all audio from the remote computer to the local computer.

Audio quality mode

Configure the quality of the RDP session's audio. Here are the available options:

  • Dynamic, which automatically adjusts the audio quality based on the current network conditions to optimize performance.

  • High, which provides the highest audio quality, using more bandwidth. Suitable for high-speed network connections.

  • Medium, which offers a balance between audio quality and bandwidth usage, designed for average network conditions.

  • Default (Dynamic), which dynamically adjusts audio quality based on network conditions to ensure the best possible performance.

Remote audio recording

Allow or restrict the redirection of audio input from the local computer microphone to the remote desktop session. Here are the available options:

  • Do not record, which disables audio recording from the local computer's microphone during the RDP session. No audio input from the local machine will be captured or transmitted to the remote system.

  • Record from this computer, which enables audio recording from the local computer's microphone, allowing the audio input to be redirected and used in the remote session. This is useful for applications or services on the remote desktop that require audio input from the user.


This setting determines how Windows key combinations (e.g., ALT+TAB) are handled during a remote desktop session. Here are the available options:

  • On the local computer, which applies Windows key combinations on the local computer.

  • On the remote computer, which redirects Windows key combinations to the remote computer.

  • In full screen mode only, which applies Windows key combinations to the remote computer only when the RDP session is in full-screen mode. If the session is windowed, the key combinations affect the local computer.

  • Default (On the local computer), which applies Windows key combinations to the local computer.

Keyboard layout

Select the keyboard layout that matches your country or language preference. This ensures that the keys pressed on the local keyboard correspond correctly to the characters and actions on the remote desktop.

Local devices and resources

Choose which peripherals and data sources on your local computer can be redirected and accessed during a remote desktop session.

The Other supported RemoteFX USB devices option will be different based on the USB devices available on the local computer.

Programs tab

RDP entry programs properties
RDP entry programs properties
Start this program on connection (alternate shell) Automatically launch a specified program instead of the full desktop environment when initiating RDP sessions.
Program path and filename Specify the full path and filename of the program that should be started automatically upon connection.
Start in the following folder Set the default starting directory for the program. This path is used when the program is launched.
Use RemoteApp (seamless mode) Enable RemoteApp to provide a seamless integration of the remote application with the local desktop, making the remote program appear as if it is running locally.
Program Specify the program to be used with RemoteApp for a seamless application experience, requiring the path and filename.
Parameters Allow for the specification of command-line arguments or parameters that should be passed to the program upon startup.
Execute the following program after login Define an additional program to be executed after the initial login process is complete, offering further customization of the startup process.
After login delay Specify a delay (in seconds) before executing the program defined to run after login, allowing the system or initial programs time to initialize.

Experience tab

RDP entry experience properties
RDP entry experience properties

Connection speed

Calibrate the connection speed to better optimize network performances. Here are the available options:

  • Default, which uses settings that are automatically chosen based on the RDP client's assessment of the network conditions.

  • Modern (56 kps), which optimizes for very low bandwidth connections, minimizing data usage to accommodate extremely limited speeds.

  • Low-speed broadband (256 kps - 2 Mbps), which tailors the experience for lower broadband speeds, adjusting visual quality and other settings for improved performance.

  • Satellite (2 - 16 Mbps with high latency) is best suited for satellite connections, which typically have higher bandwidth but also suffer from significant latency.

  • High-speed broadband (2-10 Mbps), which enhances the session for users with high-speed broadband, enabling more detailed graphics and smoother interactions.

  • WAN (>10 Mbps with high latency), which optimizes for WAN connections that have high bandwidth and high latency, balancing quality and responsiveness.

  • LAN (>10 Mbps with low latency), which provides the highest quality experience for LAN connections, allowing for full-feature use with minimal latency.

  • Detect network automatically, which automatically detects the network conditions and selects the most suitable settings to optimize performance.

Desktop backgroundDisplay the desktop background from the remote computer.
Font smoothingEnable font smoothing to improve text readability.
Desktop compositionAllow the use of Windows Aero features such as transparency and other visual effects.
Show window contents while draggingDisplay the contents of windows as they are moved or resized, rather than just an outline.
Menu and window animationEnable animations when opening or closing windows and accessing menus.
Visual stylesApplies the visual style and theme, such as colors and control button appearances.
Persistent bitmap cachingStore images or parts to improve performance during the session.
Redirect video playbackOptimize the playback of video content on the local machine.
Reconnect if connection is droppedAutomatically attempts to reconnect to the remote session if the connection is temporarily lost.
Detect bandwidth automaticallyAutomatically adjusts session settings based on the estimated bandwidth of the connection.
Enable data compressionCompresse data to improve performance over slower connections.
Load plug-ins embedded mode(Option description might vary, typically relates to loading specific plug-ins for enhanced functionality within the RDP session.)
CacheUtilize caching to improve performance by storing frequently accessed data. Default: Uses the standard caching strategy determined by the RDP client, balancing performance and resource use. Full mode: Maximizes the use of cache to enhance session responsiveness, ideal for high-bandwidth connections where memory resources are plentiful. Thin client: Minimizes the amount of data cached, tailored for low-resource computing devices or very low bandwidth connections. Small cache: Offers a compromise between no caching and full caching, designed for scenarios with limited memory or when conserving bandwidth is a priority but some caching benefits are desired.
Keep aliveSend keep-alive packets to maintain the connection active during periods of inactivity.
Enable mouse jigglerPrevent the remote session from going idle by simulating mouse movement.
Mouse jiggler methodSpecifie the technique used by the mouse jiggler, e.g., random movement, specific pattern, etc.
Mouse jiggler intervalDefine the time interval between simulated mouse movements.

Authentication tab

RDP entry authentication properties
RDP entry authentication properties



Server authentication

Checks whether you are connecting to the intended remote computer. The strength of the verification is determined by your system security policy. Here are the available options:

  • Connect and don't warn me, which automatically connects without any security warnings.

  • Do not connect, which prevents the connection if authentication issues are detected.

  • Warn me, which provides a warning if there are any concerns with the authentication but allows the option to proceed.

  • Default (Connect and don't warn me), which uses the default setting to connect without warning.

  • Enable network level authentication (NLA), enables NLA, which enhances security by requiring authentication before establishing a remote desktop session.

  • Enable Entra ID SSO, which enables Single sign-on (SSO) with Entra ID credentials for a seamless login experience.

Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS)

TLS security without Network Level Authentication (NLA). NLA always uses TLS, but TLS does not imply NLA. Disabling this option does not disable TLS, but it disables TLS without NLA.

Only supported with FreeRDP. To enforce NLA from the client, disable TLS and RDP.

Enable Remote Desktop Protocol Security (RDP)

Obsolete RDP transport security that predates the creation of TLS.It is never recommended, especially since TLS in RDP has been supported since Windows Server 2003.

Only supported with FreeRDP. To enforce NLA from the client, disable TLS and RDP.

RD Gateway is KDC proxy

Indicate that theRD Gateway serves as a Key Distribution Center (KDC) proxy for Kerberos authentication.

SSPI module

Specify the Security support provider interface (SSPI) module to be used for authentication.

Authentication package

Define the authentication package used for verifying user credentials.
  • Negotiate: NTLM or Kerberos

  • NTLM: NTLM only (no Kerberos)

  • Kerberos: Kerberos only (no NTLM)

KDC detection method

Determine the method for detecting theKey Distribution Center in Kerberos authentication scenarios.
  • Automatic: try detecting KDC server automatically using DNS SRV records or system configuration settings

  • Explicit: use explicitly configured KDC server information without automatic detection

KDC server URL

Specify the URL of the KDC server to be used for Kerberos authentication, if applicable.

Example values:

  • tcp://IT-HELP-DC.ad.it-help.ninja:88

  • https://IT-HELP-DC.ad.it-help.ninja:443

Advanced SSPI settings are only supported with FreeRDP and the Microsoft RDP client in external mode on Windows. If you wish to enforce Kerberos usage from the client, set Authentication package to Kerberos.

RD Gateway tab

RDP entry RD Gateway properties
RDP entry RD Gateway properties
 RD Gateway server settingsChoose how to manage RD Gateway server settings between:
  • Automatically detect RD Gateway server settings, which allows you to automatically identify and use the RD Gateway settings specified by the network administrator, usually through DHCP or DNS.

  • Use the RD Gateway server settings, which lets you manually specify the details (server address, authentication methods, etc.) for the RD Gateway that the RDP session should use for connecting through.

  • Do not use RD Gateway server, which disables the use of an RD Gateway for the RDP session.

 Logon methodChoose a method for logging in to RD Gateway server between:
  • Ask for password (NTLM), which utilizes the NTLM protocol for authentication, requiring a password.

  • Smart card, which employs smart card technology for secure authentication.

  • Allow me to select later, which will prompt you later for an authentication method.

  • Use a gateway access token, which relies on a gateway access token for authentication, bypassing traditional methods

Gateway access token

A secure method for authentication using a predefined token.

Open gateway only when unable to ping host

Activate the RD Gateway only if the host cannot be reached directly.

Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses

Exclude the use of RD Gateway for connections to addresses within the same network.

Use same RD Gateway credentials as remote computer

Exclude the use of RD Gateway for connections to addresses within the same network.


Refer to authentication details required for access, typically a username and password.

Advanced tab

RDP entry advanced properties
RDP entry advanced properties
Log off modeDetermines the RDP session log off method between:
  • Default, which uses the credential source set as default in Remote Desktop Manager settings, typically inheriting from parent folder or session defaults.

  • Automatic, which automatically determines the most appropriate credentials to use based on the configuration.

  • Remote desktop services API, which employs credentials handled through the Remote Desktop Services API.

  • Macro, which uses a predefined macro to supply credentials.

Automatically log off when disconnectingChoose whether to log off automatically upon disconnect. This defaults to the globally configured Remote Desktop Manager settings.
Reconnect modeChoose which method to use in order to reconnect between:
  • Standard

  • Full, which initiates the complete reconnection sequence.

  • Smart reconnect, which optimizes reconnection times.

  • Legacy, which is compatible with older versions.

RDP versionChoose which RDP version to use between:
  • RDP (6.1), which is compatible with features and systems up to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

  • RDP (7.0), which supports features up to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

  • RDP (8.1), which is applicable to Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

  • Latest, which configures the session to use the most advanced version of RDP available.

  • RDP (FreeRDP Latest), which leverages the latest capabilities of FreeRDP, a free and open-source RDP client.

  • RDP (FreeRDP 7.0), which uses the FreeRDP implementation compatible with RDP 7.0 features.

  • MSRDC, which uses the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (MSRDC).

  • RDP (10.10), which allows access to the features available in Windows 10 version 10.10.

  • RDP (10.11), which allows access to the features available Windows 10 version 10.11.

Minimal input send interval

The interval (in milliseconds) at which the minimal feature sends input data to the application or server.

Maximum TSL versionDefines the highest version of the TLS protocol that can be utilized for securing connections. This setting ensures compatibility with the latest security standards while allowing backward compatibility with older versions up to the specified maximum.
Disable UDP transportDisables DP transport, which is useful as a workaround or to troubleshoot hanging issues.
Public modeApply a series of security measures designed to protect sensitive data during a remote desktop session from a public or shared computer.
Prompt for credentials on clientRequires the entry of credentials on the client side prior to establishing a remote connection, enhancing security protocols by verifying authentication early in the connection process.
Remote Credential GuardA security feature that safeguards credentials over a Remote Desktop connection by redirecting Kerberos requests back to the originating client, preventing credentials from being exposed to the remote host.
Restricted admin modeA security configuration that permits administrative connections to a remote system without transmitting actual credentials to the remote system, mitigating the risk of credential theft.
Background inputAllows for the transmission of input commands to applications operating in the background, ensuring continuous interaction even when the application is not the active window.
Enable super panActivates a functionality that facilitates the navigation across a large remote desktop environment by allowing panning over the display area, improving the user interface on devices with limited screen sizes.
Workspace IDServes as a unique identifier for the workspace, utilized in environments that employ Remote Desktop Connection Broker to achieve high availability and load balancing.
Use redirection serverDetermines the employment of a redirection server to distribute session loads evenly across servers or to provide failover capabilities.
Alternate full addressOffers an alternative address for establishing a connection to a remote session, employed in cases where the primary connection point is not accessible.
Load balance infoProvides details used by the connection broker to allocate the session to the most appropriate server, based on current load balancing strategies.


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