Configure a Hyper-V synchronizer entry in Remote Desktop Manager

This article details the different settings and options available when configuring a Hyper-V synchronizer entry in Remote Desktop Manager.

Hyper-V synchronizer entry settings
Hyper-V synchronizer entry settings





Enter a name for the Hyper-V entry within Remote Desktop Manager.


Choose a folder in which to create the entry.


Choose credentials to use for authentication between:

  • Username and password

  • Linked (vault)

  • Inherited

  • My personal credentials

  • None

  • Privileged account

Synchronize automatically

The entry will synchronize automatically with Hyper-V.

General tab

Host Manually enter a host or choose one from the Computer list (ellipsis button).
Username Enter the username for the host.
Password Enter the password for the host.
Version Choose between Hyper-V generation 1 or 2.
Template Choose an existing template from the Template list or leave blank.
Destination folder Click the ellipsis button to set the folder path in the Remote Desktop Manager tree view (which can only be in the same vault).

Fields tab

 Field Select which fields will always be synchronized, and which will not.
 Session name prefix A prefix for the entry that will be created through the synchronizer
 session name suffix A suffix for the entry that will be created through the synchronizer.

Advanced tab

Silent modeDisable error dialogs (useful when the synchronizer runs automatically at set intervals).
Update folder only for newly discovered itemsPrevent the synchronizer from moving already created entries.
Host type

Choose host type between:

  • Hyper-V host

  • Virtual machine IP

Action on entry mismatchChoose what to do when there is a mismatch between the entries to synchronize. Here are the available options:
  • None

  • Delete

  • Move to

  • Make expired

Check out Devolutions' Configuring Synchronizers course on the Devolutions Academy for more details.

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