Configure a VNC entry

The VNC entry in Remote Desktop Manager allows users to configure and manage VNC remote connections.

  1. Open Remote Desktop Manager.

  2. Create an entry.

  3. Go to the Session section, and select VNC.

  4. Click Select.

  5. The Add VNC window opens.

  6. Enter the name of the VNC entry.

  7. Select a designated folder.

  8. Defines how the session appears in the display drop-down menu: external, embedded (tabbed), or undocked.

    Note: Set Display to Embedded (tabbed) or Undocked to enable FreeVNC, UltraVNC and IronVNC in the VNC application drop-down menu. Set External to enable RealVNC, TightVNC and VNC Viewer Plus.

  9. Host: Specify how the host is configured.

  10. Credentials: Set authentication methods, such as Username and Password.

    General tab
    General tab

General tab



VNC application

  • Default (FreeVNC)

  • RealVNC

  • TightVNC

  • FreeVNC

  • UltraVNC

  • IronVNC

  • VNC Viewer Plus

Custom Configuration

Configure host, port configuration, and arguments.

Config filename

Select the config filename.

Settings tab

VNC password Enter the password required to authenticate the VNC session.
System authentication Enter Username, Domain, and Password for system authentication.
Color depth Select the color depth to balance performance and visual quality.
Zoom Adjust the display zoom level (100% by default).
Scaled Scale the VNC session window dynamically.
Smart resize Enable automatic resizing based on window dimensions.
Preserve aspect ratio Maintain the original aspect ratio when resizing the session window.
Connection timeout Set the timeout period (default 10 seconds).
Other parameters Enter additional custom parameters for advanced configurations.
Embedded delay (x64 only) Defines a delay in milliseconds before embedding the session (-1 ms by default).
Request shared session Request access to a shared session.
View only (input ignored) Allow viewing without sending keyboard/mouse inputs.
Hide toolstrip Hide the toolbar during the session.
Show status window Enable or disable the connection status window.
Disable clipboard transfer Prevent clipboard data from being transfer.

Advanced tab

Mouse cursor Select how the mouse cursor is handled during the VNC session.
Emulate 3 buttons (with 2-button click) Enable 3-button mouse functionality when using a 2-button mouse.
Swap mouse buttons 2 and 3 Swap right and middle mouse buttons.
Track mouse movement Track and synchronize cursor movement.
Preferred encoding Select the encoding type.
Custom compression Level Set a compression level.
JPEG compression Level Define JPEG image compression level .Higher values reduce bandwidth but may lower image quality.
DSM plug-in (DSM filename) Specify the DSM (Data Stream Modification) encryption plugin for enhanced security.
Proxy host:Port Define a proxy server (IP and port) to route the VNC connection through a specific network proxy.
Apply Windows key combinations (for exemple ALT+TAB) Control how Windows keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Alt+Tab) are processed.

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