The present article details the settings and options available in a Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry in Remote Desktop Manager.
On top of displaying useful informations, Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entries allow users create, edit or otherwise interact with Hyper-V virtual machines directly within a centralized view. Right-clicking anywhere in the dashboard's content area brings up all the available options for the VMs it contains.

Name | Enter a name for the Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry within Remote Desktop Manager. |
Folder | Choose a folder in which to create the entry. |
Host | Determine which host to connect to between:
Credentials | Choose credentials to use for authentication between:
Host | Manually enter a host or choose one from the Computer list (ellipsis button).The second dropdown menu allows users to choose whether to open to VMs' Console |
Version | Choose between Hyper-V generation 1 or 2. |
Username | Enter the username for the host. |
Domain | Enter the domain for the host. |
Password | Enter the password for the host. |
VM processor usage | Adds a column in the dashboard showing VM processor usage. |
VM memory demand | Adds a column in the dashboard showing VM memory demand. |