Configure a Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry

The present article details the settings and options available in a Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry in Remote Desktop Manager.


On top of displaying useful informations, Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entries allow users create, edit or otherwise interact with Hyper-V virtual machines directly within a centralized view. Right-clicking anywhere in the dashboard's content area brings up all the available options for the VMs it contains.

The dashboard and its many options once launched
The dashboard and its many options once launched


Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry settings
Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry settings


NameEnter a name for the Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry within Remote Desktop Manager.
FolderChoose a folder in which to create the entry.

Determine which host to connect to between:

  • Host configured

  • Linked (vault)

  • Inherited

CredentialsChoose credentials to use for authentication between:
  • Username and password

  • Linked (vault)

  • Inherited

  • My personal credentials

  • None

  • Privileged account

General tab

Host Manually enter a host or choose one from the Computer list (ellipsis button).The second dropdown menu allows users to choose whether to open to VMs' Console
Version Choose between Hyper-V generation 1 or 2.
Username Enter the username for the host.
Domain Enter the domain for the host.
Password Enter the password for the host.

Advanced tab

VM processor usage Adds a column in the dashboard showing VM processor usage.
VM memory demand Adds a column in the dashboard showing VM memory demand.
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