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Remote Desktop Manager
Remote Desktop Manager
The Devolutions platform
What is Remote Desktop Manager Agent?
Remote Desktop Manager Jump
Compare editions
System requirements
Getting started
Checklist for individuals
Select a data source type – individuals
Checklist for small teams
Select a data source type – small teams
Checklist for enterprises
Select a data source type – enterprises
Set up a team folder for default settings
Managing credentials
Installation for all users
Ancillary files
Configuration file location
Custom installer service
Custom installer manager
Export custom installer configuration
RDI file generation options
Portable (USB)
End of license
Trial request
Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)
Database upgrade
Basic concepts
Data sources
Documents & attachments
Import & export
Password management
Remote connection management
VPNs, tunnels, gateways, and proxies
Intermediate concepts
Batch operations
Custom fields
External password managers integration
Host linking and host management
IT asset
Override settings
Password templates
Play lists
Remote management
SSH key
Advanced concepts
Check-out approvals
Entry history
External PAM integrations
Logs, reports, and audits
Session recording
User interface
Content area
Dashboard tabs
Embedded sessions
Temporary access in Remote Desktop Manager
Approve temporary access to an entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Grant temporary access to an entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Request temporary access to an entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Vault access in Remote Desktop Manager
Request vault access in Remote Desktop Manager
Approve vault access in Remote Desktop Manager
Context menu
Entry history
Open with parameters
UI customization
Dashboard customization
Main screen
User interface profiles
Vault content types
Navigation pane
Favorite entries
Navigation pane key mapping
User vault
Status bar
Grab input
Top pane
Quick access toolbar
Tray icon
Data sources
Create a data source
Data source types
Advanced data sources
Devolutions Hub Business
Microsoft Azure SQL
Configure a Microsoft Azure SQL data source
Enable Azure Active Directory authentication
Configure the Azure Active Directory administrator
Configure Active Directory Interactive (with MFA support) in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an older Active Directory Interactive (with MFA Support) version with Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an Azure Active Directory user
Create an Azure Active Directory App registration
Microsoft SQL Server
Configure a Microsoft SQL Server data source
Encrypting connections to SQL Server
Recovery model
Devolutions Server
CyberArk (preview)
Google Drive
Devolutions Hub Personal
Devolutions Online Drive
Import and export a data source
Lock a data source
Multifactor authentication
Authenticator (TOTP)
Offline mode
Devolutions Server offline mode
Devolutions Hub Business offline mode
Devolutions Hub Personal offline mode
Microsoft Azure SQL offline mode
Offline read & write
Microsoft SQL Server offline mode
Ribbon / Menu bar
Clean up
Clean up deleted history
Clean up entry history
Clean up activity logs
Deleted entries
Export all vaults
Import multiple vaults
Assign Licenses
Migrate custom images
Migrate data source
Pack data source (optimize)
Security providers
System permissions
System settings
Application specific
Version management
System message
Type availability
Password management
Password policy
User management
User template
Vault management
Default permissions
Batch grant access
Permission sets
Security settings
User groups management
User management
Integrated security
User types
Vault settings
Default security for entries
Vaults overview
Batch edit
Checkout system
Create an entry
Dynamic credential linking
Edit entries
Edit (special actions)
Entry credentials options
Export entry
Move to another group/folder
Play List
Play list actions
Play list management
Specific settings
Shortcut entries
Tag management
Background services
Backup restore
File backup
Manage master key
Data sources
Devolutions Account
Export HTML encrypted
Import computer wizard
Import contacts
Import generic CSV wizard
CSV import strategies and file format
Import (.json)
JSON import strategies and file format
Import logins
Import with network scan
Import (.rdm)
Import sessions
Lock application
My account settings
My personal credentials
User specific settings list
My data source information
Go offline/online
Entry types
Export Settings
Import Settings
User Interface
Remote Desktop Manager macOS keyboard type
Creating templates
Default credential settings
Default settings
Password templates
Application logs
Add log comment
Activity logs
Credential entry references report
Entry list report
Entry security analyzer
Report export
VPN references report
Certificate generator
Devolutions Localizer
Extension manager
Network scan
SSH Key agent
More tools
Chocolatey Console
Local RDP/RemoteApp Manager
Remote Desktop Manager Agent
Terminal playback (Ansi)
Password generator
Port generator
PowerShell (RDM CmdLet)
Script dashboard
SSH key manager (local)
SSH key generator
Credential list
Opened sessions
PAM dashboard
Quick connect
Advanced search
Documentation search
Multi vault search
System vault
Tab Groups
Tab group bar
Task list
Secure messages
User groups based access control
Legacy information
Small to medium enterprise
Advanced security
Simplified Security
Devolutions PAM
Devolutions PowerShell
Devolutions Workspace
Devolutions Send
Knowledge base
General knowledge
Clear a browser's local storage
Devolutions login page does not open in the browser
Devolutions Send Standalone
Difference between major and minor versions
Add elevated credentials to session entries
Install root certificates
Life cycle policies
Remote Desktop Manager life cycle policies
Remote Desktop Manager Android life cycle policy
Remote Desktop Manager iOS life cycle policy
Remote Desktop Manager Linux life cycle policy
Remote Desktop Manager macOS life cycle policy
Remote Desktop Manager Windows life cycle policy
Devolutions Workspace life cycle policies
Workspace Android app life cycle policy
Workspace iOS app life cycle policy
Workspace macOS app life cycle policy
Workspace Windows app life cycle policy
Login failed for UserX with SQL
Generate a self-signed server and client certificates with OpenSSL
Vault privacy for administrators and users
What is SHA-256?
How-to articles
Add a template as a custom Tool
Add web links in macros & script & tools sessions
Allow access to your PC from outside your PC's network
Allow open multiple connections
Application passwords setup
Automatically fill in credentials in a Windows UAC prompt
Configure the remote Microsoft Management Console (MMC) using dhcpmgmt
Azure pre-authentication to a Devolutions Server data source in Remote Desktop Manager
BeyondTrust configuration
Broadcast actions in SSH sessions
Cache sharing between multiple Edge sessions
Capture network traffic with WireShark in Remote Desktop Manager
Certificate security provider in a published app environment
Change sorting priority
Change SSH color and font
Clear web browser cache
Command line arguments
Use the command palette in SSH sessions
Configure a 1Password entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure 1Password with integrated mode
Configure a VMware synchronizer entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an Active directory synchronizer entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an Azure Bastion entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a Bitwarden entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a Devolutions Server cross vault credential sharing entry
Configure a custom download path for Devolutions Updater
Configure Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication
Configure the KeePass plugin with Remote Desktop Manager
Configure LAPS with a custom credentials entry
Configure a password depot entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure Password Manager Pro in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure Psono in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a secure gateway
Configure SQL Server for protected Users with integrated security
Configure a VPN with an existing session
Configure a VPN for multiple sessions
Configure Workspace multi-factor authentication
Configure Yubikey multifactor authentication
Convert Microsoft SQL Server data source to contained
Convert a website (legacy) entry to a website entry
Convert an entry with template groups
Copy buttons for custom fields
Copy entries from your user vault to a vault
Create a list of credentials
Create log files with variables
Create a Microsoft L2TP VPN entry
Create popup messages for entries
Create saved searches with smart folders
Create a vault template
Creating shortcuts
Configure a credentials prompt on every connection to a Devolutions Hub Personal data source
CyberArk AAM test certificate authentication
CyberArk Dashboard configuration and use
CyberArk entry types
CyberArk PSM integration scenarios
CyberArk PSM SSH Proxy entry
CyberArk SIA entry
Data migration
Implement the database login mode
Delinea Secret Server single sign-on
Deprecated cloud backup and migration to Hub Personal
Disable developer tools in embedded website sessions
Disable Remote Desktop Manager auto update
Display RDP on multiple monitors
Enable offline Mode in Devolutions Online Drive
Download the KeePass plugin
ECCN number for Remote Desktop Manager
Use multiple Edge website entries with different credentials in Remote Desktop Manager
Edit hosts file
Enable MFA for users
Enable debug WebView for embedded Safari in Remote Desktop Manager macOS
Enable offline Mode in a Devolutions Hub Personal data source
Enable Remote Desktop Manager to receive new update
Enable Smart Cards authentication
Enable SQL Azure with Azure Active Directory with MFA
Enable temporary access
Enterprise deployment of Remote Desktop Manager
Entry types events settings
Event auto typing macro
Execute a PowerShell prior to opening a connection
Export and import the configuration file
Export and import entries
Export and import favorites
Export and import user specific settings
Export and import vaults
Configure Git commit signing with Remote Desktop Manager
Apply policies
Handling RDP connections
Implement the custom login mode
Import credential entries from a CSV file using templates
Import credentials from KeePass
Import a CSV file as a password list with hostnames
Install Remote Desktop Manager using Chocolatey
Deploy or update Remote Desktop Manager through GPO
Installing .NET runtime as a prerequisite for MDM silent installations
Integrate Devolutions Hub Business in Remote Desktop Manager
Send RDP logs to our customer support team from Remote Desktop Manager mobile
IT asset management in Remote Desktop Manager
Keep in memory My personal credentials
Keep tabs open
KeePass plugin installation on a RDS
Keeper credential entry settings
Keyboard shortcuts customization
Use Lansweeper in Remote Desktop Manager
Launch RemoteApp with Remote Desktop Manager
Link accounts
Migrate from Devolutions Online Drive to Devolutions Hub Personal
Disable legacy security in Remote Desktop Manager
Migrate from one type of database to another
Migrate from security groups (legacy) to user groups
Device management configuration from Remote Desktop Manager mobile
Multiple types of connections to a single computer
Ad-hoc launch with a template
Folders and dynamic variables
Host with templates
Configure 1Password from My account settings with MFA
Open RD Gateway only when unable to ping host
OTP autofill with the Workspace browser extension
OTP usage with entries
Passcode prompt when opening an entry
Portable Remote Desktop Manager version
Bootstrap portable Remote Desktop Manager version
Compromised (pwned) password check
Send logs from Remote Desktop Manager macOS
Remote Desktop Manager typing macro to perform authentication
Establish a remote access to a Linux machine with Remote Desktop Manager
Register licenses in earlier versions
Reinstall Remote Desktop Manager
Remote Desktop services
Remote installation with PSExec
Remove a registered fingerprint
Rename Azure AD accounts domain
Reset Remote Desktop Manager to its default settings
Ribbon default visibility
Run as another user
Built-in RunAs
Manual RunAs
User specific settings RunAs
Running Remote Desktop Manager as another user
Running the Remote Desktop Manager synchronizer from a centralized server
Send a sanitized copy of your configuration file
Send SSH Shell logs and verbose
Send your database schema to Devolutions support
Session recording
Set a language for the tree view
Set up an AI assistant
Set up user vault credentials in Remote Desktop Manager
Set up an SSH tunnel
Set up the usage of the session credentials to launch a tool
SQL Server database migration best practices
SQL Server data source with integrated security
SQL Server maintenance plans
SQLite local backup
SSH configuration for Remote Desktop Manager's FIPS 140-2 compliance
Create and use SSH key dashboard entry
Subscribe to the announcements forums
Configure a Supremo entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Switch back to the old color scheme
Synchronize document entries for offline access
Background vault synchronization
Team tips
Make selections in terminals or consoles through Remote Desktop Manager
Test variables
TheGreenBow VPN configuration
Theme system
Image list
Tunnel local webcam through RDP sessions
Turn off the built-in password manager in your browser
Use custom installer in unattended setups
Use different versions of the same application
Use Mosh in Remote Desktop Manager through WSL
User specific settings encryption migration
Verbose logs level in SSH Shell
View multi-row for open session tabs
VPN groups
VPN routing
VPN with offline mode
Use custom Windows Terminal over Console host in PowerShell session entries
Troubleshooting articles
1Password – only latest entries are displayed
Lost the MFA set on the data source
MFA set and lost on the Devolutions Account or Devolutions Online Drive
Lost the MFA set on the Remote Desktop Manager application
Lost the MFA set on Devolutions Server
Access violation exception error in RDP sessions
Access Remote Desktop Manager entry via any browser without Google Drive integration
Active Directory synchronizer error
Active Directory synchronizer permissions
AdalException error
Adding a new entry in the user vault on SQL Azure does not work
AggregateException - one or more errors occurred
Amazon S3 Explorer issues
Application requires Devolutions Server version greater or equal than...
ARD is unable to connect to the computer
ARD is unable to connect to a host
Azure SQL connection issues
Azure SQL error - connection failed due to mismatch of users during the authentication process
Azure SQL update with selection screen
BeyondTrust issues
Black screen with an ARD session
Blank page issues in a Citrix environment
Unable to close fullscreen RDP sessions
Unable to open Remote Desktop Manager
Unable to uninstall/update Remote Desktop Manager
Carbon Black user32.dll error
Certificate security provider configuration errors
Chrome is unable to launch in embedded mode
Cisco AnyConnect connection issues
Cisco AnyConnect
Cisco ASDM unable to launch after updating ASDM
Citrix environment Windows crash
Citrix infrastructure with black border in Remote Desktop Manager
Clipboard diagnostic
Configure a Microsoft VPN with a preshared key
Connection issues with SQL data sources
Connections are missing
Cyberark data source issues
Black release notes when dark theme is active
Data recovery
Data source initial troubleshooting
Database upgrade
Disable UDP usage in Remote Desktop Manager
Disappearing Navigation pane
Display issue in the dashboard
Documentation tab is empty
Embedded credentials not working in Chromium-based browsers
Embedded Firefox and Opera website sessions
Remote Desktop Manager cannot configure integrated security with Kerberos authentication
Error code FAIL (-1) non specific error
Focus issue with Windows 7 and 2012
Force quit the Remote Desktop Manager application
FortiClient VPN
FIPS (encryption)
Devolutions Gateway ID (Default) not found error
High CPU usage
High DPI issues
HTTP Status Code Unauthorized error message when connecting to Devolutions Server from Remote Desktop Manager
Creating a hung Remote Desktop Manager dump file
Security disclaimer for sending a dump file
Install-Package - the following commands are already available on this system
Integrated security issues with SQL Server
Invalid certificate error when updating Remote Desktop Manager
Invalid license after updating to latest version
Invalid password entered
IOException - the process cannot access the file
Jump (Remote Desktop Manager Agent) troubleshooting guide
KeePass troubleshooting
Keeper Enterprise unexpected error
Kernelbase.dll crash error
Key agent is unable to start
Key not present in the dictionary
LastPass multifactor authentication
Links not loading in embedded mode
Lost Remote Desktop Manager configuration
MFA Yubikey does not work when using 1Password entry
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime installation troubleshooting
Microsoft .NET runtime update causes Remote Desktop Manager to crash
Microsoft RDP automatic logon issues
Microsoft RDP is unable to store passwords on the local computer
Microsoft RDP display issues
Microsoft RDP errors
Microsoft RDP RD Gateway credentials prompt
Microsoft RDP licensing protocol error
Microsoft RDP logging off hangs Remote Desktop Manager Windows
Microsoft RDP logoff issues
Microsoft RDP memory and performance issues
Microsoft RDP missing mapped drives
Microsoft RDP printer redirection
Microsoft RDP protocol error
Microsoft RDP RD Gateway credentials fail
Microsoft RDP reconnect issues
Microsoft RDP sessions work using mstsc.exe but not in Remote Desktop Manager
Microsoft VPN
Missing Navigation pane
Missing opened VPN from list
Missing sessions from the Navigation pane
Net corrupted system file
Net Runtime optimization service issues
Network devices
InvalidOperationException - no space available to display the lines
Non-admin users are unable to view passwords
Offline mode troubleshooting
OpenVPN enter wrong credentials
OpenVPN loses connection at launch
OpenVPN special characters in password not working with autofill
Password Manager Pro
Performance data sources
Performance diagnostic
Permission issues
Prevent data loss when upgrading Devolutions Server
Proxy authentication required error
Putty embedded mode
RDC Manager
Remote Desktop Manager crashes from versions 2024.1 to 2024.3
Cannot copy files/images in an RDP session in Remote Desktop Manager macOS
Remote Desktop Manager does not start
RDP issues after updating to Remote Desktop Manager version 2023
RDP NLA with Azure AD (PKU2U issue)
RDP session troubleshooting
RDP username of Azure AD client automatically changes on Windows 11
Record asks for FFmpeg installation path
Red X in the Navigation pane or credential List
Reset layout
RPC troubleshooting
Run Remote Desktop Manager under application verifier
SAML troubleshooting for CyberArk dashboard
Secret Server script
Separate credentials from sessions
Session focus issues
Session tools
Slow dashboard after application update
Slowdowns or connection timeout message when connecting to a Devolutions Server data source
Sonicwall Global VPN client
SQL Azure one or more errors occurred
SQL Azure troubleshooting
SQL Server connection timeout
SQL Server connectivity troubleshooting
SQL Server performance troubleshooting
SqlException - column, parameter, or variable
SSH application keypad not working
SSH Shell entry failed to connect
SSH Shell supported ECDSA keys
SSMS add-on entry password injection not supported for version 18
Startup performance
Status bar in WebViews stays in focus
Switch between SQL Azure data sources with MFA
TaskCanceledException - a task was canceled
Third-party clipboard issue
Tree view discriepancies
Type clipboard message error
Unable to connect to the data source
Unable to connect with your Devolutions Account
Unable to delete from the favorites menu
Unable to delete the license
Unable to export a data source
Unable to export entries
Unable to retrieve encryption information
Unable to use the $PASSWORD$ variable
Unable to validate the license online
Updates remove the Remote Desktop Manager icon from the taskbar
User is unable to create templates
User connection mismatch
User interface error
Variable testing tip
Remote Desktop Manager virtual channels are not allowed in restrictive environments
VMware Remote Console (VMRC) displaying black or white bands
Web browser Google Chrome
Web browser Internet Explorer
Website entries do not autofill credentials
Tabs appear blank and Remote Desktop Manager becomes unresponsive
Welcome page
WMI troubleshooting
Knowledge base articles
Access and manage variables
Active Directory dashboard entry
All Files Access permission denied in Remote Desktop Manager Android
Allow range open
Automatically updating Remote Desktop Manager using Microsoft Intune
Configure Barracuda add-on
Restricting MS RDP access to Remote Desktop Manager only
Certificate validation
Clear cache of Dell iDrac entries in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a Splashtop dashboard entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) session entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a credential redirection entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a firearm entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a Microsoft Hyper-V dashboard entry
Configure an access code entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure a Passbolt entry
Configure a report entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Configure an SSH key entry
Configure a VNC entry
Configure a X.509 certificate credential entry type
Configure VMware's PowerCLI for use by Remote Desktop Manager
Connect with su-user in SSH sessions
Find by name (user vault) entry credentials option
CyberArk system safe filtering
Data report
Data sources best practices
Convert virtual folders in Remote Desktop Manager
Deprecated data sources
Deprecated entries
Download Microsoft Edge Chromium
Encrypting file system message
Favorite Duo push method
Going password-less with Remote Desktop Manager and CyberArk
Google Workspace console entry
Hide the legacy security removal warning box in Remote Desktop Manager
HP iLO session vs HP iLO (web) entries
Configure a Hyper-V synchronizer entry in Remote Desktop Manager
Import credentials
Inheritance in Remote Desktop Manager
List of Internet endpoints accessed by Remote Desktop Manager
IP address list entry
IP variables
IT asset entry
IT glue information
Automatically detect and bypass jump host for direct connections in local network
List of open-source components in Remote Desktop Manager
Load from system information
Locate the configuration file
Macros parameters
Manage custom variables
Memory usage – Windows
CyberArk MFA delimiter in Remote Desktop Manager
Microsoft Entra ID dashboard entry
Microsoft RDP API hooking
MSRDC support in Remote Desktop Manager
Notification badge (red dot) in the taskbar
Offboarding users
One Identity Safeguard entry
Password strength rating
Move permission
Protocol handler
Quick Connect
Remote Desktop Manager Security Dashboard
RDP session entry
Add an RDP (session) entry
RDP sessions memory tuning
RDP clarification and information
RDP reconnect mode
Enable super pan in an RDP entry
Request One Identity Safeguard credentials in Remote Desktop Manager
Restore the RDP file association with mstsc.exe
Sealed entries
Secure local credential files using application password
Security providers – Argon2 parameters
Security providers best practices
Send application logs
Send an error report
Send information to SSH sessions using a typing macro in Remote Desktop Manager
Sending Windows credentials to TeamViewer
Session disconnect randomizes the focus on tabs
SFTP vs. SCP entries
Software license agreement
SQL Server always on availability groups
SSH terminal entry options
Syntax highlighting
System Information report WMI commands
Templates default path
Ticketing service
Understand Remote Desktop Manager licensing
Unsafe Google Chrome integration in Remote Desktop Manager Windows
Use multiple versions of a third-party application
User synchronization with Active Directory in a Microsoft SQL Server data source
Version schema compatibility for Remote Desktop Manager and Devolutions Server
Wake-on-LAN (WOL)
Website authentication with Remote Desktop Manager Windows
Windows Credential Manager
Support and resources
Devolutions Academy
Devolutions Force
Devolutions Forum
Getting started with Devolutions packages
Workforce password management package
Remote access management package
Remote connection & IT management package
Privileged access management package
Keyboard shortcuts
Security advisories
Customer support
Securely send a file to our team
Ticketing system
YouTube channel
ECCN number for Remote Desktop Manager
The ECCN number for Remote Desktop Manager is 5D992.c (Mass Market).
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