
Opening Remote Desktop Manager for the first time starts the onboarding process, which guides new users through Remote Desktop Manager’s initial configurations. Below are the steps to follow along with brief descriptions of some of the application’s basic features.

If for any reason you need to start the onboarding process anew, you can check the Prompt Onboarding on startup option in FileSettingsAdvanced. Completing the onboarding process again automatically unchecks this option.

Step 1: Choose a data source

First, a data source must be configured. Data sources are core components of Remote Desktop Manager and act as secure vaults containing all of your precious and sensitive data.

Data source selection
Data source selection
Local Select this option to access the new data source from this device only. You will then be guided to configure aSQLitedata source, which is fast and easy-to-use and accessible locally.
Cloud Select this option if you intend to access your data source anywhere from many devices. You will then be guided to configure aDevolutions Hub Personaldata source, which is a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution.
Devolutions Hub SelectDevolutions Hub Businessfor a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter yourEmailto connect to yourDevolutions Account, and to select which of your hubs to use (if you have access to multiple ones).
Devolutions Server SelectDevolutions Serverfor a highly-secure, self-hosted server application for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter theDevolutions ServerHostand theUsernameyou use to connect to it.
Other Select this option if your data source does not appear in this list. You will then be prompted to select another data source type and to enter information to configure it. The information to provide depends on the data source.
Skip (use default) Ends the onboarding process.
Import .rdd Select this option if you have previously exported and saved a data source configuration file (.rdd) and want to import it in yourRemote Desktop Managerapplication. You will then be prompted to select the file on your computer.

Step 2: Set up your data source

If Devolutions Server, Devolutions Hub Business or Cloud were chosen as data sources during step #1, you will be directed to either sign in to the solution, download Devolutions Server, or create Devolutions Hub vaults.

Data source setup – Devolutions Server
Data source setup – Devolutions Server

If you selected a data source configuration file (.rdd), this step is skipped.

Step 3: Set your UI preferences

User interface profiles allow users to have a tailored experience in Remote Desktop Manager based on their tasks and roles. Select the user interface profile that best matches your needs.

User interface preferences
User interface preferences
IT professional This profile displays all entry types and options provided the user has the necessary permissions to access them. This profile offers all of what our solutions have to offer, advanced options, and access to all entries and information.
Business user This profile is specifically designed for users who do not require access to view remote connection entries, administrative options, or advanced properties.Remote Desktop Manager’s interfaces have been streamlined to minimize options that are primarily intended for IT professionals, allowing business users to focus on their daily tasks without unnecessary complexities.

This is also where you can choose your favorite menu display (Ribbon or Menu) and theme (System, Light, or Dark), and decide when—and how much—you want to be kept updated about Remote Desktop Manager fixes and updates.

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Next, you can subscribe to Devolutions email list and get started on Devolutions Academy for more in-depth courses about Devolutions solutions.

Consult Devolutions many online resources
Consult Devolutions many online resources

Import existing data

The final step involves managing your entries in your data source. Entries are used to store your information within Remote Desktop Manager. We offer multiple methods of creating entries, from imports to scans, although you can also forego this step and create entries manually later.

Import existing data and finalize your configuration
Import existing data and finalize your configuration



Import entries

To import entries using this option, you must first have exported and saved a file in one of these formats:

  • CSV (.csv) (import a CSV file or paste CSV text)

  • RDM (.rdm)

  • Royal TS (.rts, .rtsx, .rtsz)

  • RDCMan (.rdg)

Import with network scan

Start a network scan to find hosts on your network, and choose which to import. The Edit button can also be used to customize the entries created this way.

Once everything has been set up according to your needs, click Done to end the onboarding process and start using Remote Desktop Manager!

Step 1: Choose a data source

First, a data source must be configured. Data sources are core components of Remote Desktop Manager and act as secure vaults containing all of your precious and sensitive data.

Data source selection
Data source selection
Local Select this option to access the new data source from this device only. You will then be guided to configure aSQLitedata source, which is fast and easy-to-use and accessible locally.
Cloud Select this option if you intend to access your data source anywhere from many devices. You will then be guided to configure aDevolutions Hub Personaldata source, which is a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution.
Devolutions Hub SelectDevolutions Hub Businessfor a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter yourEmailto connect to yourDevolutions Account, and to select which of your hubs to use (if you have access to multiple ones).
Devolutions Server SelectDevolutions Serverfor a highly-secure, self-hosted server application for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter theDevolutions ServerHostand theUsernameyou use to connect to it.
Other Select this option if your data source does not appear in this list. You will then be prompted to select another data source type and to enter information to configure it. The information to provide depends on the data source.
Skip (use default) Ends the onboarding process.
Import .rdd Select this option if you have previously exported and saved a data source configuration file (.rdd) and want to import it in yourRemote Desktop Managerapplication. You will then be prompted to select the file on your computer.

Step 2: Set up your data source

If Devolutions Server, Devolutions Hub Business or Cloud were chosen as data sources during step #1, you will be directed to either sign in to the solution, download Devolutions Server, or create Devolutions Hub vaults.

Data source setup – Devolutions Server
Data source setup – Devolutions Server

If you selected a data source configuration file (.rdd), this step is skipped.

Step 3: Set your UI preferences

User interface profiles allow users to have a tailored experience in Remote Desktop Manager based on their tasks and roles. Select the user interface profile that best matches your needs.

User interface preferences
User interface preferences
IT professional This profile displays all entry types and options provided the user has the necessary permissions to access them. This profile offers all of what our solutions have to offer, advanced options, and access to all entries and information.
Business user This profile is specifically designed for users who do not require access to view remote connection entries, administrative options, or advanced properties.Remote Desktop Manager’s interfaces have been streamlined to minimize options that are primarily intended for IT professionals, allowing business users to focus on their daily tasks without unnecessary complexities.

This is also where you can choose your favorite menu display (Ribbon or Menu) and theme (System, Light, or Dark), and decide when—and how much—you want to be kept updated about Remote Desktop Manager fixes and updates.

Get more from Devolutions

Next, you can subscribe to Devolutions email list and get started on Devolutions Academy for more in-depth courses about Devolutions solutions.

Consult Devolutions many online resources
Consult Devolutions many online resources

Import existing data

The final step involves managing your entries in your data source. Entries are used to store your information within Remote Desktop Manager. We offer multiple methods of creating entries, from imports to scans, although you can also forego this step and create entries manually later.

Import existing data and finalize your configuration
Import existing data and finalize your configuration



Import entries

To import entries using this option, you must first have exported and saved a file in one of these formats:

  • CSV (.csv) (import a CSV file or paste CSV text)

  • RDM (.rdm)

  • Royal TS (.rts, .rtsx, .rtsz)

  • RDCMan (.rdg)

Import with network scan

Start a network scan to find hosts on your network, and choose which to import. The Edit button can also be used to customize the entries created this way.

Once everything has been set up according to your needs, click Done to end the onboarding process and start using Remote Desktop Manager!

Step 1: Choose a data source

First, a data source must be configured. Data sources are core components of Remote Desktop Manager and act as secure vaults containing all of your precious and sensitive data.

Data source selection
Data source selection
Local Select this option to access the new data source from this device only. You will then be guided to configure aSQLitedata source, which is fast and easy-to-use and accessible locally.
Cloud Select this option if you intend to access your data source anywhere from many devices. You will then be guided to configure aDevolutions Hub Personaldata source, which is a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution.
Devolutions Hub SelectDevolutions Hub Businessfor a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter yourEmailto connect to yourDevolutions Account, and to select which of your hubs to use (if you have access to multiple ones).
Devolutions Server SelectDevolutions Serverfor a highly-secure, self-hosted server application for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter theDevolutions ServerHostand theUsernameyou use to connect to it.
Other Select this option if your data source does not appear in this list. You will then be prompted to select another data source type and to enter information to configure it. The information to provide depends on the data source.
Skip (use default) Ends the onboarding process.
Import .rdd Select this option if you have previously exported and saved a data source configuration file (.rdd) and want to import it in yourRemote Desktop Managerapplication. You will then be prompted to select the file on your computer.

Step 2: Set up your data source

If Devolutions Server, Devolutions Hub Business or Cloud were chosen as data sources during step #1, you will be directed to either sign in to the solution, download Devolutions Server, or create Devolutions Hub vaults.

Data source setup – Devolutions Server
Data source setup – Devolutions Server

If you selected a data source configuration file (.rdd), this step is skipped.

Step 3: Set your UI preferences

User interface profiles allow users to have a tailored experience in Remote Desktop Manager based on their tasks and roles. Select the user interface profile that best matches your needs.

User interface preferences
User interface preferences
IT professional This profile displays all entry types and options provided the user has the necessary permissions to access them. This profile offers all of what our solutions have to offer, advanced options, and access to all entries and information.
Business user This profile is specifically designed for users who do not require access to view remote connection entries, administrative options, or advanced properties.Remote Desktop Manager’s interfaces have been streamlined to minimize options that are primarily intended for IT professionals, allowing business users to focus on their daily tasks without unnecessary complexities.

This is also where you can choose your favorite menu display (Ribbon or Menu) and theme (System, Light, or Dark), and decide when—and how much—you want to be kept updated about Remote Desktop Manager fixes and updates.

Get more from Devolutions

Next, you can subscribe to Devolutions email list and get started on Devolutions Academy for more in-depth courses about Devolutions solutions.

Consult Devolutions many online resources
Consult Devolutions many online resources

Import existing data

The final step involves managing your entries in your data source. Entries are used to store your information within Remote Desktop Manager. We offer multiple methods of creating entries, from imports to scans, although you can also forego this step and create entries manually later.

Import existing data and finalize your configuration
Import existing data and finalize your configuration



Import entries

To import entries using this option, you must first have exported and saved a file in one of these formats:

  • CSV (.csv) (import a CSV file or paste CSV text)

  • RDM (.rdm)

  • Royal TS (.rts, .rtsx, .rtsz)

  • RDCMan (.rdg)

Import with network scan

Start a network scan to find hosts on your network, and choose which to import. The Edit button can also be used to customize the entries created this way.

Once everything has been set up according to your needs, click Done to end the onboarding process and start using Remote Desktop Manager!

Step 1: Create your data source

Create your data source
Create your data source

To get started, you must configure a data source. A data source is at the heart of Remote Desktop Manager. It is the vault that contains all of your precious and sensitive data.

You will have to select between three options:

  • Local: Select this option if you intend to access your data source from this device only. You will then be guided to configure a SQLite data source, which is fast and easy-to-use and accessible locally.

  • Online: Select this option if you intend to access your data source anywhere from many devices. You will then be guided to configure a Devolutions Hub Personal data source, which is a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution.

  • Team: Select this option if you want all your team members to be able to securely access the data source. You will then have a choice between different advanced data sources.

Skipping the creation of your data source will end the onboarding process.


Team options
Team options

Select the data source you are going to use:

  • Devolutions Hub Business: Select Devolutions Hub Business for a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter your Email to connect to your Devolutions Account, and to select which of your hubs to use (if you have access to multiple ones).

  • Devolutions Server: Select Devolutions Server for a highly-secure, self-hosted server application for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter the Devolutions Server Host and the Username you use to connect to it.

  • Other: Select this option if your data source does not appear in this list. You will then be prompted to select another data source type and to enter information to configure it. The information to provide depends on the data source.

  • Data source configuration (.rdd): Select this option if you have previously exported and saved a data source configuration file (.rdd) and want to import it in your Remote Desktop Manager application. You will then be prompted to select the file on your computer.

Step 2: Manage your entries

Manage your entries
Manage your entries

If you selected a data source configuration file (.rdd), this step is skipped.

The next step involves managing your entries in your data source. Entries are used to store your information within Remote Desktop Manager. We offer multiple methods of creating entries, from imports to scans. You can also forego these methods and create entries manually.

If you decide to import entries, you must first have exported and saved a file in one of these formats:

  • CSV (.csv) (import a CSV file or paste CSV text)

  • RDM (.rdm)

  • Royal TS (.rts, .rtsx, .rtsz)

  • RDCMan (.rdg)

You can import files at any time after the onboarding is over.

Step 3: User interface profile

User interface profile
User interface profile

User interface profiles allow users to have a tailored experience in Remote Desktop Manager based on their tasks and roles. Select the user interface profile that best matches your needs:

  • IT professional: This profile displays all entry types and options provided the user has the necessary permissions to access them. This profile offers all of what our solutions have to offer, advanced options, and access to all entries and information.

  • Business user: This profile is specifically designed for users who do not require access to view remote connection entries, administrative options, or advanced properties. Our interfaces have been streamlined to minimize options that are primarily intended for IT professionals, allowing business users to focus on their daily tasks without unnecessary complexities.

  • Choose later: You can set a profile later in the Account tab of the Navigation pane. In the meantime, you will be assigned the default profile.

For a detailed overview of both profiles, see User interface profiles.

Step 4: UI options

UI options
UI options

Select your favorite theme (System, Light, or Dark) and menu display (Ribbon or Menu). When done, click Continue to go to the last step.

Step 5: Join the community

Join the community
Join the community

In this last step, you can subscribe to our email list and join the Devolutions Force. Both are free!

Our email list unlocks exclusive access to:

  • Product news

  • Best practices and pro tips

  • Security advisories

The Devolutions Force gets you VIP access to:

  • Promos, beta tests, and news

  • The Devolutions team

  • Rewards and Devolutions products

When you are done, click Finish to end the onboarding process and start using Remote Desktop Manager!

Step 1: Create your data source

Create your data source
Create your data source

To get started, you must configure a data source. A data source is at the heart of Remote Desktop Manager. It is the vault that contains all of your precious and sensitive data.

You will have to select between three options:

  • Local: Select this option if you intend to access your data source from this device only. You will then be guided to configure a SQLite data source, which is fast and easy-to-use and accessible locally.

  • Online: Select this option if you intend to access your data source anywhere from many devices. You will then be guided to configure a Devolutions Hub Personal data source, which is a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution.

  • Team: Select this option if you want all your team members to be able to securely access the data source. You will then have a choice between different advanced data sources.

Skipping the creation of your data source will end the onboarding process.


Team options
Team options

Select the data source you are going to use:

  • Devolutions Hub Business: Select Devolutions Hub Business for a highly-secure, flexible and easy-to-use cloud-based password management solution for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter your Email to connect to your Devolutions Account, and to select which of your hubs to use (if you have access to multiple ones).

  • Devolutions Server: Select Devolutions Server for a highly-secure, self-hosted server application for team environments. You will then be prompted to enter the Devolutions Server Host and the Username you use to connect to it.

  • Other: Select this option if your data source does not appear in this list. You will then be prompted to select another data source type and to enter information to configure it. The information to provide depends on the data source.

  • Data source configuration (.rdd): Select this option if you have previously exported and saved a data source configuration file (.rdd) and want to import it in your Remote Desktop Manager application. You will then be prompted to select the file on your computer.

Step 2: Manage your entries

Manage your entries
Manage your entries

If you selected a data source configuration file (.rdd), this step is skipped.

The next step involves managing your entries in your data source. Entries are used to store your information within Remote Desktop Manager. We offer multiple methods of creating entries, from imports to scans. You can also forego these methods and create entries manually.

If you decide to import entries, you must first have exported and saved a file in one of these formats:

  • CSV (.csv) (import a CSV file or paste CSV text)

  • RDM (.rdm)

  • Royal TS (.rts, .rtsx, .rtsz)

  • RDCMan (.rdg)

You can import files at any time after the onboarding is over.

Step 3: User interface profile

User interface profile
User interface profile

User interface profiles allow users to have a tailored experience in Remote Desktop Manager based on their tasks and roles. Select the user interface profile that best matches your needs:

  • IT professional: This profile displays all entry types and options provided the user has the necessary permissions to access them. This profile offers all of what our solutions have to offer, advanced options, and access to all entries and information.

  • Business user: This profile is specifically designed for users who do not require access to view remote connection entries, administrative options, or advanced properties. Our interfaces have been streamlined to minimize options that are primarily intended for IT professionals, allowing business users to focus on their daily tasks without unnecessary complexities.

  • Choose later: You can set a profile later in the Account tab of the Navigation pane. In the meantime, you will be assigned the default profile.

For a detailed overview of both profiles, see User interface profiles.

Step 4: UI options

UI options
UI options

Select your favorite theme (System, Light, or Dark) and menu display (Ribbon or Menu). When done, click Continue to go to the last step.

Step 5: Join the community

Join the community
Join the community

In this last step, you can subscribe to our email list and join the Devolutions Force. Both are free!

Our email list unlocks exclusive access to:

  • Product news

  • Best practices and pro tips

  • Security advisories

The Devolutions Force gets you VIP access to:

  • Promos, beta tests, and news

  • The Devolutions team

  • Rewards and Devolutions products

When you are done, click Finish to end the onboarding process and start using Remote Desktop Manager!



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