Offline mode

The Offline Mode connects to a local copy of the data source when you are not connected to the data source. This is useful when working from a remote location and the network is unreachable or if there is any kind of connectivity issue. This feature is not available for all data sources. Additionally, several features are not available in offline mode, such as attachments, logs, and user management (add/edit/delete users).

The read/write offline mode adds to users the possibility to manipulate entries while disconnected from the data source. This is useful for off-site personnel or when working in environments that have sporadic network availability.

The offline cache is first encrypted using our own private key mixed with some information taken from the local computer. This makes it impossible for a copy on another machine to be readable. By default it is also encrypted with Windows NTFS encryption, in which case there is no key saved anywhere.

For added security, offline files are set to expire after a delay. The default expiry is set to 7 days but can be modified via the System settings.

Configuring offline data source

To learn how to configure offline mode for advanced data sources, click on the list below.


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