The View tab is used to control different features regarding the panels, views, logs, and layout of Remote Desktop Manager.

Vault | Access the view mode of the Navigation pane for the current vault. |
User vault | Display your user vault in the Navigation pane. |
Opened Sessions | Display the currently opened sessions in the Navigation pane. |
PAM Dashboard | Connect to a privileged account, copy its password, and manage its checkout/check-in process through a privileged access management dashboard. |
Favorites | Display your favorite entries and folders in the Navigation pane. |
Recent | Display your most recently used entries in the Navigation pane. |
Task List | Display a list of your current tasks. |
Search | Search items through your database/data source using specific criteria. |
Quick Connect | Launch a Quick Connect session. |
Activity Logs | Open the Activity Logs. |
Credential List | Open a window to view the credential entries in the database. |
Macros/Scripts/Tools List | Open a window to search for macros, scripts, or tools in the database. |
Synchronizer List | Open a window to search for synchronizer entries in the database. |
VPN List | Open a window to search for VPN entries in the database. |
Tab Groups | Open a docked window to browse through the various tab groups. |
Notification | Open a window to browse through the various notifications (such as entries expired or about to be, or tasks). |
Message | Open a window to access your messages. |
This section only appears when using an individual type data source.
Local connection logs | Open a window to access your local logs. |
Navigation | Toggle the Navigation pane. |
Dashboard | Toggle the Dashboard. |
Thumbnails | Toggle the Thumbnails. |
Top Pane (Ribbon/Menubar) | Toggle the Ribbon (right-click the application header to bring it back or use Alt+F11). |
Tab group bar | Toggle the Tab group bar (must have group tabs to work). |
Status Bar | Toggle the Status bar. |
Description | Toggle the Description pane. |
Asset | Toggle the Asset pane. |
Attachments | Toggle the Attachments pane. |
Logs | Toggle the Logs pane. |
Vault | Access the view mode of the Navigation pane for the current vault. |
User vault | Display your user vault in the Navigation pane. |
Opened Sessions | Display the currently opened sessions in the Navigation pane. |
Favorites | Display your favorite entries and folders in the Navigation pane. |
Recent | Display your most recently used entries in the Navigation pane. |
PAM Dashboard | Connect to a privileged account, copy its password, and manage its checkout/check-in process through a privileged access management dashboard. |
Task List | Display a list of your current tasks. |
Advanced Search | Search items through your database/data source using specific criteria. |
Multi vault Search | Search items through multiple vaults in your database using specific criteria. |
Quick Connect | Launch a Quick Connect session. |
Credential List | Open a window to view the credential entries in the database. |
Downloads | Open a window to view files downloaded through a browser entry. |
Message | Open a window to access your messages. |
Navigation | Toggle the Navigation pane. |
Dashboard | Toggle the Dashboard. |
This section only appears when using an individual type data source.
Local connection logs | Open a window to access your local logs. |
Although they are windowed by default, all those panes can be dragged and docked anywhere within Remote Desktop Manager.