SSH key manager (local)

The SSH key manager (Local) is a tool designed to simplify and centralize the management of local SSH keys. It is located in the ribbon of Remote Desktop Manager under Tools.

To learn more about the SSH key agent, click here.

Tools - SSH key manager (local)
Tools - SSH key manager (local)


SSH key manager (local)
SSH key manager (local)
Copy public key Copy the public key content to the clipboard.
SSH key generator Generate an SSH key.
Details Display an overview about the SSH key.
Name The identifier or label for each key.
Comment This field can include comments associated with each key.
Algorithm The encryption algorithm used for the key.
Format The file format of the key.
Private key Display if a private key file is available.
Key is encrypted Show whether the private key is passphrase-protected.
Key size The size of the encryption key.
Public key The associated public key file for each entry.
Creation date The date and time when each key was created.
Fingerprint (MD5) The MD5 fingerprint for each key.
Fingerprint (SHA-1) The SHA-1 fingerprint for each key.
Fingerprint (SHA-256) The SHA-256 fingerprint for each key.
Category The category of the SSH key (Public or Private).

The summary section at the bottom left provides an overview of the keys.

Total The total number of keys managed.
Unsecure Displays the number of unsecured keys (SSH keys without encryption).
Vulnerable Indicates if any SSH keys are vulnerable.
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