SSH Key agent

The SSH Key Agent is used to hold all your SSH Keys in memory, already decoded and ready for them to be used. It has the same use as Pageant (SSH Key Manager) has for Putty except that the SSH Key Agent is used with Remote Desktop Manager.

The SSH Key Agent is located under Tools in the ribbon of Remote Desktop Manager.

Tools - SSH key agent
Tools - SSH key agent

See SSH Key Manager (Local) to learn how to centralise the management of local SSH keys.


  1. When opening the SSH Key Agent , you will notice at the bottom left that the agent is not running. You will need to click on Start Agent. SSH Key Agent tab – Start Agent

  2. Click on Add key and select the file to open your SSH key.
    ssh Key Agent – Add Key

  3. All your added SSH Key will appear in your SSH Key Agent.

  4. Select an SSH session and open its properties.

  5. Go to the General tab, enter a Username and leave the Password field blank.
    SSH Shell session – General Tab

  6. In the SSH key tab of your SSH Shell session, leave the option for the Private Key to No Private Key.
    SSH session – SSH key tab

  7. In the Advanced tab of your SSH Shell session, activate the option Use SSH authentication agent. The Use SSH authentication agent automatically takes the information of the SSH Key kept in your SSH Key Agent.

    Use SSH authentication agent
    Use SSH authentication agent

SSH key credential management

When creating a new SSH key entry in Remote Desktop Manager, you have the option of loading them automatically in your SSH Key Agent.

  1. Select Add New Entry – Credential Management – SSH key.
    Credential management – SSH key

  2. Select Generate new SSH key, Import SSH key or Link local SSH.

    Select Generate new SSH key, Import SSH key or Link local SSH
    Select Generate new SSH key, Import SSH key or Link local SSH
  3. The Add SSH Key window opens.

  4. Go to the SSH key agent tab.

  5. Activate the Automatically load to SSH key agent setting.
    SSH key – SSH key agent tab

  6. Click Add to save and close the window.

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