Go to File – Settings – User interface - Dashboard to configure options related to the dashboard.

Allow special open actions in Dashboard | The special open actions depend on the selected entry. |
Show parent name in connection name | Displays the parent name in the connection name. |
Disablevaultdashboard overview | Disables the dashboard overview forvaults. |
Show copy actions in session dashboard | Adds actions in the session dashboard to copy username and password. |
Show jump options as buttons | Displays Open via RDM Jump and Select jump from list options in the session dashboard. |
Allow Open (Prompt for Credentials) | Enables actions to open sessions while prompting the user to manually enter credentials. |
Allow Open External and Open Embedded switch | Switches between opening sessions externally (in a new window) or embedded (within the application). |
Disable count badges | Disable count badges in the dashboard. |
Enable context menu in Overview | Allows right-click context menu in the overview panel. |
Auto Focus Dashboard |
Display mode |
Go to File – Settings – User interface - Dashboard to configure options related to the dashboard.

Auto Focus Dashboard |
The dashboard will always become the active view when selecting a session. |
Allow special open actions in Dashboard | The special open actions depend on the selected entry. |
Show copy actions in session dashboard | Adds actions in the session dashboard to copy username and password. |
Embed secure note in dashboard | Add a secure note in the dashboard. |