Go to File – Settings – Tools to configure the delay of time before the tool timeout.
Connect when available delay | Indicate the delay before connection timeout when using the Connect when available feature. |
Default subject | Define a default email subject. |
Default body | Set a predefined email body. |
Scan duration | Define the duration (in seconds) for a network scan operation. |
Go to File – Settings – Tools to configure the delay of time before the tool timeout.

Services search timeout | Indicate the time that the Bonjour service will search before the service timeout. |
Connect when available delay | Indicate the delay before connection timeout when using the Connect when available feature. |
Ping timeout | Indicate the time before the ping service timeout. |
WOL Port | Indicate the time before the Wake on LAN service timeout. |
Automatically close messages | Indicate the time before the message window automatically closes. |
Event Log | Select the preferred event log to be open by default when launching the remote event on a remote computer:
Event Type | Select the preferred event type to be open by default when launching the remote event on a remote computer:
Time Range | Define the time range for the Remote Event: