The Batch edit feature changes the settings of multiple entries in one operation. For example, it can be used to remove or update the credentials of a group of sessions.
Entries and folders to be edited can be selected using the methods below. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Best practice suggests using the Advanced search or Multi vault search methods, as selecting them manually in the Navigation pane is more time consuming and carries the risk of forgetting some entries/folders. This last method can only be recommended if you have only a few selected entries to edit. Regardless of the method used, it is recommended that only one entry type be selected for each batch edit action.
To edit the information of folders, you MUST go through the Advanced search or Multi vault search methods to select the folders. If you select the folders manually in the Navigation pane , you will be editing the information in the child entries of the folders, NOT the information in the folders themselves.
In Remote Desktop Manager, select all entries/folders manually in the Navigation pane. Use Ctrl+left-click to select them one by one or Shift+left-click to select a bunch of them at the same time. Note that by selecting a folder, you are editing the information of its child entries and not the information of the folder.
Proceed to the Batch Edit Actions section for the next steps or continue to read about the other selection methods.
Select multiple entries by using the usual Ctrl+Shift+Left-click, etc. For a method with a little more power, use the Advanced search feature, which allows to select multiple entries at once, based on the defined criteria. The Advanced search is available in View – Advanced search or by pressing F11. If required, you can achieve similar results with the Multi vault search.
Click Select in Navigation pane to select the same entries as in the Advanced search dialog. Then use Edit – Batch edit to edit all the selected entries. Go to Batch edit in Remote Desktop Manager for the steps.
For folders, see Batch edit folders with custom PowerShell commands.
You can select multiple entries by using Cmd+Left-click. For a method with a little more power, use the Advanced search feature, which allows to select multiple entries at once, based on the defined criteria. The Advanced search is available in View – Advanced search. If required, you can achieve similar results with the Multi vault search.
Click Select in Navigation pane to select the same entries as in the Advanced search dialog. Then use Edit – Batch edit to edit all the selected entries.
The Multi vault search feature allows you to search in all the vaults of the selected database at once.
In Remote Desktop Manager, go to View – Search – Multi Vault search or press the F12 key shortcut.
Select and specify criteria to filter your search, then click Search.
To filter your search by folder type, you must use the Advanced search feature.
Select the entries/folders you want to edit. To select all of them, click anywhere in the results field and use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
When your selection is complete, click the Select in navigation pane button in the bottom right corner of the window.
Proceed to the Batch edit options section for the next steps.
With your entries selected, go to Edit – Batch – Batch edit in the ribbon. Alternatively, you can right-click your entry selection and go to Edit – Batch edit.
Select one of the editing options from the list for a window to pop up. Note that only options that are relevant to your entry types will be available.
Edit – Batch edit Batch edit -
In the window, edit the information and parameters of your choice, than save. Below is a description of each of them.
You can change the Host.

You can change the Credential mode and credentials (Username, Domain, and Password) or reset them.

Use specified credentials | Use a specific username, password and domain. |
Use credential repository | Use a credential entry linked entry which can be external credentials like KeePass. Useful for sharing or reusing credentials among entries. |
Use inherited | Use the credentials of its parent entry or group. |
Use my personal credentials | Allows you to use one set of credentials to replace or emulate the ones from your Windows session. |
Use user vault search | Use credentials stored in your user vault. |
None | Do not use any credentials. |
Clear all existing credentials by selecting Yes.

Clear all existing passwords by selecting Yes.

You can modify the General settings of the entries by going through the different settings in the left-side menu sections.

You can modify the Session type settings of the entries, which are settings available only for specific session types, such as Microsoft RDP, by going through the different tabs.

You can modify the asset settings of the entries by going through the different tabs.
If supported by the entry types, you can modify the User specific settings of the entries by going through the different tabs.

If supported by the entry types, you can modify the Local specific settings of the entries by going through the different tabs.

With your entries selected, go to Home – Clipboard – Copy entries in the ribbon. Alternatively, you can right-click your entry selection and select Clipboard – Copy entries.
Home – Clipboard – Copy entries -
In the Copy options window, go to the Preview tab.
Select all the content of the box, then copy and paste it in a text editor to retrieve the name of the field(s) that you would like to edit in a subsequent step.
In Remote Desktop Manager, close the Copy options window, but make sure that you keep your entries selected in the Navigation pane.
With your entries still selected, go to Edit – Batch – Edit (special actions) in the ribbon. Alternatively, you can right-click your entry selection and select Edit – Edit (special actions).
In the General section, select Custom PowerShell command, then click Execute.
Custom PowerShell Command -
In the box, using the information that you copied in step 3, write your custom PowerShell script. You can use one of these samples.
Click OK.
Your entries/folders have now been modified.