Invalid license after updating to latest version

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After updating to the latest version of Remote Desktop Manager, licenses entered before 2024 might become invalid. This can be remedied in a few clicks however.

Solution 1

  1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet, open Remote Desktop Manager, and head over to AdministrationLicenses.

  2. Select the problematic product license, and click on the Refresh icon.

Refreshing a license
Refreshing a license

Solution 2

  1. Download the product's license as an .lic file from Devolutions Portal.

Download a license file from Devolutions Portal
Download a license file from Devolutions Portal
  1. Edit the invalid license in AdministrationLicenses, then click on the Import button, and open your .lic file. Click on Save.

Importing a license with an .lic file
Importing a license with an .lic file
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