Devolutions Server Console

Because Devolutions Server is in fact a web application, the management interface is provided by the Devolutions Server Console, which you can download from our download page.

Consult the list of web server prerequisites for the Devolutions Server Console.

Devolutions Server Console
Devolutions Server Console

The Devolutions Server Console manages the IIS metabase. It must be started with elevated privileges when it needs to be used. Elevated privileges are granted when you use Run as administrator to launch the application. You can modify the shortcut to always start it in this manner.


Some features can only be managed from the web interface. Please see Server settings for more information.


Option Description
Refresh Refresh the list of Devolutions Server instances in the Devolutions Server Console.
New Create a new Devolutions Server instance or migrate an SQL data source.
Edit Edit the selected Devolutions Server instance's properties.
Update Update the selected Devolutions Server instance.
Uninstall Uninstall the selected Devolutions Server instance.
Password Set, change, or disable the Devolutions Server instance password.
Go Offline Toggle the selected Devolutions Server instance to offline/online mode.
Stop Server / Start Server Stop/Start the Devolutions Server IIS Application Pool.
Logs View the data source logs of the selected Devolutions Server instance.
Navigate to Website Open the web interface in the default browser.
Explore Open the file explorer and points it to the Devolutions Server instance installation folder.
Open Response File Open a response file to run commands on the Devolutions Server instance.



Scheduler service

Option Description
Install Install the scheduler service.
Uninstall Uninstall the scheduler service.
Start/Stop Start or stop the scheduler service.

Recording server

Option Description
Install Install the recording service.
Update Update the recording service.
Uninstall Uninstall the recording service.
Explore Browse the folder where the recording files are stored.

Devolutions Gateway

Option Description
Install Install the Devolutions Gateway.
Edit Edit the Devolutions Gateway configuration.
Update Update the Devolutions Gateway.
Uninstall Uninstall the Devolutions Gateway.



Keys Management

Option Description
Import Import the encryption keys.
Export Export the encryption keys.
Regenerate Regenerate the encryption keys.


Option Description
Rebuild Indexes Rebuild indexes of the SQL database tables.

Recovery Kit

Option Description
Generate Generate a local or Azure Key Vault recovery kit.
Download Download a previously generated Azure Key Vault recovery kit.


Option Description
Users Opens the Users management page on the Devolutions Server web interface.
User Groups Opens the User groups management page on the Devolutions Server web interface.
Vaults Opens the vaults management page on the Devolutions Server web interface.
System Settings Opens the System settings page on the Devolutions Server web interface.
System Permissions Opens the System permissions page on the Devolutions Server web interface.
Backup Manager Opens the Backup manager page on the Devolutions Server web interface.


Option Description
Application Logs Open the Devolutions Server Console application logs dialog.
Open Installation Backup Folder Open the Installation backup folder in the Windows file explorer.
Save Diagnostic Information Save the diagnostic report in a text file.
IIS Diagnostic Run the IIS diagnostic.
Check For Update Check for available updates for the Devolutions Server Console.
Options Language setting, theme, and update type options.
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