
Request a trial

It is possible to request a 30-day trial to try Devolutions Server Enterprise version with all its features. For more information, please consult Trial request.

If you decide not to register at the end of the 30-day trial, your data will not be altered or erased, and you will have full access to it once you provide a valid license serial.

Devolutions Server registration

Please see Register a Devolutions Server license to properly register your version.

Devolutions Server Free registration

Please note that a Remote Desktop Manager Team Edition license is required to use Devolutions Server Free Edition.

Devolutions Server Free Edition is targeted for small teams of 10 users or less, and its features are similar to the Team edition. Registration is free. Please see Register a Devolutions Server Free license to properly register your version.

To learn more and compare the different versions available, please visit Devolutions Server Compare Editions.

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