Remote Desktop Manager supports user synchronization with Active Directory (AD) for Microsoft SQL Server data sources. This feature allows administrators to automatically remove or deactivate users in Remote Desktop Manager who no longer exist in the AD environment.
At first, a prompt appears requesting administration credentials for the domain from which users will be synchronized. By default, the domain is retrieved based on the currently logged-in Windows user.
Next, a prompt appears for the username source and format:
Username Source: Determines the Active Directory (AD) account property from which the username is retrieved. Accounts without this property filled will not be synchronized.
Username Format: If Name is selected as the source, the format in which the username is displayed can be specified.
Before executing the synchronizer, a few settings need to be confirmed.
Added: Specifies which users will be added to the data source.
Important note: If Integrated security is not selected, a random password will be
generated for each user. An administrator will then need to change that password
before sending it to the users
4. Deleted: Specifies which users will be deleted from the data source.
The offboarding setting has three options:
Prompt: A prompt will appear for each deleted user, asking for a confirmation and
whether its user vault entries should be transferred to the shared vault.Automatic: The offboarding will execute without prompting, meaning all user vault entries will be transferred to the shared vault.
Skip: The users will be deleted without prompt and all user vault entries will be lost.
Licensed: Enabled AD users will get attributed all the licenses flagged with the auto-assign property.
Unlicensed: Disabled AD users will get their licenses removed.