Syslog documentation

The following information describes the message type and the subtype of records sent from Devolutions Server to a syslog server.

Message type

  • Unknown = 0
  • Info = 1
  • Warning = 2
  • Error = 3
  • OpenConnection = 4
  • AddConnection = 5
  • EditConnection = 6
  • DeleteConnection = 7
  • OpenVPN = 8
  • CloseVPN = 9
  • CredentialsSentToPlugin = 10
  • Comment = 11
  • ExportedConnection = 12
  • UserAdded = 13
  • UserDeleted = 14
  • UserEdited = 0xF
  • SecurityGroupAdded = 0x10
  • SecurityGroupDeleted = 17
  • SecurityGroupEdited = 18
  • RoleAdded = 19
  • RoleDeleted = 20
  • RoleEdited = 21
  • MacroScriptTool = 22
  • ExportedDocuments = 23
  • KeyAgentKeyUsed = 24
  • ReportOpened = 25
  • RepositoryAdded = 26
  • RepositoryDeleted = 27
  • RepositoryEdited = 28
  • AttachmentAdded = 29
  • AttachmentDeleted = 30
  • AttachmentEdited = 0x1F
  • AttachmentDocumentUpdated = 0x20
  • AttachmentOpened = 33
  • ActivityLogCleared = 34
  • DeletedEntryCleared = 35
  • EntryHistoryCleared = 36
  • DataSourcePermissionChanged = 37
  • ServerPropertiesViewed = 38
  • ServerPropertiesEdited = 39
  • ServerUpdated = 40
  • DocumentUpdated = 41
  • PasswordViewed = 43
  • PasswordChanged = 44
  • ConnectionStringViewed = 45
  • PasswordHistoryCleared = 46
  • ConnectionViewed = 47
  • ShortcutAdded = 48
  • ShortcutDeleted = 49
  • PasswordTemplateAdded = 50
  • PasswordTemplateEdited = 51
  • PasswordTemplateDeleted = 52
  • ResetPassword = 53
  • Checkout = 54
  • Checkin = 55
  • PermissionChanged = 56
  • Validation = 57
  • PamPasswordViewed = 58
  • PamCredentialAdded = 59
  • PamCredentialEdited = 60
  • PamCredentialDeleted = 61
  • TypingMacroExecuted = 62
  • TerminalScriptExecuted = 0x3F
  • ConnectionCopied = 0x40
  • ConnectionHistoryVersionReset = 65
  • AccessDenied = 66
  • PamCertificateViewed = 67
  • PamTagAdded = 68
  • PamTagRead = 69
  • PamTagEdited = 70
  • PamTagDeleted = 71
  • PamTagDeleteAssociatedTags = 72
  • PamTagDeleteUnusedTags = 73
  • PamResetPasswordScheduleAdded = 74
  • PamResetPasswordScheduleRead = 75
  • PamResetPasswordScheduleEdited = 76
  • PamResetPasswordScheduleDeleted = 77
  • PamPasswordUpdated = 78
  • PamFolderAdded = 79
  • PamFolderRead = 80
  • PamFolderEdited = 81
  • PamFolderDeleted = 82
  • PamCredentialRead = 83
  • PamCheckoutAdded = 84
  • PamCheckoutRead = 85
  • PamCheckoutEdited = 86
  • PamCheckoutDeleted = 87
  • PamCheckoutStatusChanged = 88
  • PamCheckoutAborted = 89
  • PamCheckoutExpired = 90
  • UserResetPassword = 91
  • PamPasswordHistoryViewed = 92
  • LicenseAdded = 93
  • LicenseDeleted = 94
  • LicenseEdited = 95
  • PamCheckoutEnded = 96
  • PamCheckoutApproved = 97
  • PamCheckoutDenied = 98
  • PamCheckoutActive = 99
  • SessionRecordingViewed = 100
  • UsernameViewed = 101
  • DomainViewed = 102
  • UserLicenseAssigned = 103
  • UserLicenseUnassigned = 104
  • PamCredentialSync = 105
  • PamPasswordReset = 106
  • PamPasswordBrokering = 107
  • RecordingInterrupted = 108
  • ExportedAllConnections = 109
  • PamFolderExported = 110
  • VaultMasterPasswordChanged = 111
  • OneTimePasswordViewed = 112
  • PamCheckoutCancelled = 113
  • PamCheckoutForcedCheckin = 114
  • UserLocked = 115
  • TemporaryAccessRequestSent = 116
  • TemporaryAccessRequestApproved = 117
  • TemporaryAccessRequestCancelled = 118
  • TemporaryAccessRequestDenied = 119
  • AddTemplate = 120
  • EditTemplate = 121
  • DeleteTemplate = 122
  • PamCheckoutPolicyAdded = 123
  • PamCheckoutPolicyEdited = 124
  • PamCheckoutPolicyDeleted = 125
  • SensitiveDataViewed = 126
  • PamOtpTemplateAdded = 0x7F
  • PamOtpTemplateEdited = 0x80
  • PamOtpTemplateDeleted = 129
  • PamPasswordPropagation = 130
  • EntryResurrectionFailed = 131
  • ExportedDocumentation = 132
  • EditedUserSpecificSettings = 133
  • RemovedUserSpecificSettings = 134
  • EmergencyCodeLogin = 135
  • PamVaultAdded = 136
  • PamVaultEdited = 137
  • PamVaultDeleted = 138
  • PamVaultExported = 139
  • UserResetMFA = 140

MessageSub type

  • PasswordAnalyzer = 2501
  • AdministrationLogs = 2502
  • ConnectedUserList = 2503
  • ConnectionExpiredEntry = 2504
  • DeletedEntries = 2505
  • LastUsageLog = 2506
  • SharedConnectionLog = 2507
  • LoginHistory = 2508
  • LoginAttempt = 2509
  • ServerLogs = 2510
  • OpenedConnections = 2511
  • CopiedPasswordToClipboard = 4301
  • RequestedForWebEdit = 4302
  • DontHaveRight = 6600
  • UserIsNotFoundOrIncorrectPassword = 6601
  • InvalidAttachmentId = 6602
  • CantAccessAnotherUsersRoamingSetting = 6603
  • DatabaseUsersAreNotAllowed = 6604
  • DomainUsersAreNotAllowed = 6605
  • CustomUsersAreNotAllowed = 6606
  • LocalMachineUsersAreNotAllowed = 6607
  • NotAllowedToSaveUser = 6608
  • CannotDeleteEntry = 6609
  • InvalidRepositoryId = 6610
  • CannotSaveRole = 6611
  • NotAllowedToChangePassword = 6612
  • NotAllowedToSaveRole = 6613
  • IncorrectUserType = 6614
  • NotAllowedToManageAttachments = 6615
  • NotAllowedToAddInFolder = 6616
  • NotAllowedToSaveEntry = 6617
  • NotAllowedToDeleteEntry = 6618
  • NotAllowedToCheckin = 6619
  • NotAllowedToGetTwoFactorInformation = 6620
  • NotAllowedToViewAttachment = 6621
  • NotTheUsersPrivateVault = 6622
  • NotAllowedToDeleteEntryHistory = 6623
  • LicenseDoesNotAllowEntryInteraction = 6624
  • MustBeAnAdministrator = 6625
  • NotAllowedToViewEntry = 6626
  • EntryNotFound = 6627
  • NoAllowedToViewEntryHistory = 6628
  • NotAllowedToCheckoutEntry = 6629
  • NotAllowedToGetCheckoutInformation = 6630
  • NotAllowedToGetCheckoutsForUser = 6631
  • NotAllowedToManageHandbooks = 6632
  • NotAllowedToGetHandbookPages = 6633
  • NotAllowedToViewLogs = 6634
  • NotAllowedToViewPasswordHistory = 6635
  • UserSpecificSettingsNotAllowed = 6636
  • InvalidConnectionId = 6637
  • NotAllowedToViewDeletedEntries = 6638
  • NotAllowedToViewTemplates = 6639
  • NotAllowedToCopyToClipboard = 6640
  • NotAllowedToViewPassword = 6641
  • NotAllowedToManageUsers = 6642
  • NotAllowedToResetPassword = 6643
  • OnlyRecipientCanDeleteAttachement = 6644
  • InvalidAccessToken = 6645
  • CantReleaseAnotherUsersLock = 6646
  • UserDoesNotHaveAccessToVault = 6647
  • OnlyRecipientCanSaveSecureAttachment = 6648
  • OnlyRecipientCanReadSecureMessage = 6649
  • TwoFactorNotConfigured = 6650

Samples of syslog records

Deleting an RDP entry

Jul 26 13:51:41 Devolutions[Server] PersonalConnection - [5] Entry deleted - MessageType: 7, MessageSubType: , UserName: DOMAIN\banderson, MachineName: COMPUTER123, ConnectionName: Server ABC, ConnectionTypeName: RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop), ConnectionID: da3886a2-e653-4f56-8000-e55e5dc3313a, ConnectionHostName: , ConnectionUserName: , StartDateTime: 7/26/2022 1:51:45 PM, StartDateTimeUTC: , EndDateTime: , EndDateTimeUTC: , GroupName: Training\Operationnels, Comment: , LoggedUserName:, Prompt: , TickerNumber: , SecurityGroup: , Cost: , UserInfoID: 04b48fd6-3490-4457-874d-d919a0518cf4, SupportClose: False, CloseMode: , OpenMode: , ClientApplication: RDM, ClientVersion: 2022.2.14.0 , IsEmbedded: , RepositoryID: 22a24c36-837b-4baf-8859-9497902a6de0, PamCredentialID: [ClientIP:]

Creating an RDP entry

Jul 26 13:51:37 Devolutions[Server] PersonalConnection - [5] Entry created - MessageType: 5, MessageSubType: , UserName: DOMAIN\banderson, MachineName: COMPUTER123, ConnectionName: Server ABC, ConnectionTypeName: RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop), ConnectionID: da3886a2-e653-4f56-8000-e55e5dc3313a, ConnectionHostName: , ConnectionUserName: , StartDateTime: 7/26/2022 1:51:41 PM, StartDateTimeUTC: , EndDateTime: , EndDateTimeUTC: , GroupName: Training\Operationnels, Comment: , LoggedUserName:, Prompt: , TickerNumber: , SecurityGroup: , Cost: , UserInfoID: 04b48fd6-3490-4457-874d-d919a0518cf4, SupportClose: False, CloseMode: , OpenMode: , ClientApplication: RDM, ClientVersion: 2022.2.14.0 , IsEmbedded: , RepositoryID: 22a24c36-837b-4baf-8859-9497902a6de0, PamCredentialID: [ClientIP:]

Opening an RDP entry and a VPN connection

Jul 26 13:47:24 Devolutions[Server] PersonalConnection - [5] Opened session - MessageType: 4, MessageSubType: , UserName: DOMAIN\banderson, MachineName: COMPUTER123, ConnectionName: Windjammer23, ConnectionTypeName: RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop), ConnectionID: 2c3c8c8e-70ed-494f-9680-3b24d7fb0b25, ConnectionHostName: , ConnectionUserName: bob, StartDateTime: 7/26/2022 1:47:28 PM, StartDateTimeUTC: , EndDateTime: , EndDateTimeUTC: , GroupName: Common\Linux (Windjammer23), Comment: , LoggedUserName:, Prompt: , TickerNumber: , SecurityGroup: , Cost: , UserInfoID: 04b48fd6-3490-4457-874d-d919a0518cf4, SupportClose: True, CloseMode: , OpenMode: 0, ClientApplication: RDM, ClientVersion: 2022.2.14.0 , IsEmbedded: True, RepositoryID: df6637ca-d40a-4251-aa33-0620383153e0, PamCredentialID: [ClientIP:]

Jul 26 13:47:21 Devolutions[Server] PersonalConnection - [5] VPN opened - MessageType: 8, MessageSubType: , UserName: DOMAIN\banderson, MachineName: COMPUTER123, ConnectionName: Windjammer23, ConnectionTypeName: RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop), ConnectionID: 2c3c8c8e-70ed-494f-9680-3b24d7fb0b25, ConnectionHostName: , ConnectionUserName: bob, StartDateTime: 7/26/2022 1:47:25 PM, StartDateTimeUTC: , EndDateTime: , EndDateTimeUTC: , GroupName: Common\Linux (Windjammer23), Comment: , LoggedUserName:, Prompt: , TickerNumber: , SecurityGroup: , Cost: , UserInfoID: 04b48fd6-3490-4457-874d-d919a0518cf4, SupportClose: , CloseMode: , OpenMode: , ClientApplication: RDM, ClientVersion: 2022.2.14.0 , IsEmbedded: , RepositoryID: df6637ca-d40a-4251-aa33-0620383153e0, PamCredentialID: [ClientIP:]

Connection refused to resource

Jul 26 13:46:19 Devolutions[Server] PersonalConnection - [5] Access denied - Not allowed to view entry - MessageType: 66, MessageSubType: 6626, UserName:, MachineName:, ConnectionName: , ConnectionTypeName: , ConnectionID: , ConnectionHostName: , ConnectionUserName: , StartDateTime: 7/26/2022 1:46:19 PM, StartDateTimeUTC: , EndDateTime: , EndDateTimeUTC: , GroupName: , Comment: , LoggedUserName:, Prompt: , TickerNumber: , SecurityGroup: , Cost: , UserInfoID: 04b48fd6-3490-4457-874d-d919a0518cf4, SupportClose: , CloseMode: , OpenMode: , ClientApplication: Web, ClientVersion: 2022.2.6.0 , IsEmbedded: , RepositoryID: , PamCredentialID: [ClientIP:]

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