Here are the steps to restore a Devolutions Server instance in case of an incident:
Procure the following:
A Devolutions Server administrator account with Devolutions Server authentication enabled.
A complete backup to restore. See Backup manager to learn how to create backups. Make sure to save the password in a secure location.
A local or nearby SQL Server (SQL Server Express edition is also supported).
Download the following requirements if they are not already installed:
The current Devolutions Server offline installation ZIP file.
ASP .NET Core Runtime 8.0.11 and .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.11 or above.
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Generate a Recuperation kit via the Devolutions Server management console. Choose a secure password for the encryption keys, and keep on hand the EncryptionKeys.bin and server_install.json files generated in the recovery kit ZIP file (located by default in Users – Administrator – Documents – DVLS Recovery Kit).
Create a new Devolutions Server instance by using the ZIP file downloaded at step #2.2 or by running the JSON file from step #3 via the Devolutions Server Console command line interface (available in Devolutions Server management console installation files).