Devolutions Server disaster recovery

Here are the steps to restore a Devolutions Server instance in case of an incident:

  1. Procure the following:

    1. A Devolutions Server administrator account with Devolutions Server authentication enabled.

    2. A complete backup to restore. See Backup manager to learn how to create backups. Make sure to save the password in a secure location.

    3. A local or nearby SQL Server (SQL Server Express edition is also supported).

  2. Download the following requirements if they are not already installed:

    1. The Devolutions Server management console.

    2. The current Devolutions Server offline installation ZIP file.

    3. ASP .NET Core Runtime 8.0.11 and .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.11 or above.

    4. Microsoft Edge WebView2.

    5. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

    6. IIS URL Rewrite Module and IIS Application Request Routing.

  3. Generate a Recuperation kit via the Devolutions Server management console. Choose a secure password for the encryption keys, and keep on hand the EncryptionKeys.bin and server_install.json files generated in the recovery kit ZIP file (located by default in UsersAdministratorDocumentsDVLS Recovery Kit).

  4. Create a new Devolutions Server instance by using the ZIP file downloaded at step #2.2 or by running the JSON file from step #3 via the Devolutions Server Console command line interface (available in Devolutions Server management console installation files).

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