Install Devolutions Server for Linux

As of version 2024.3.2.0, a beta version of Devolutions Server is available for Linux with Microsoft Kestrel as the built-in web server and Microsoft PowerShell 7 for command-line installation. The present topic shows how to manually install Devolutions Server for Linux using Bash prompts and PowerShell scripts, as well ass how to access and remove it.

Alternatively, Devolutions Server can be installed automatically using the scripts found on the Devolutions GitHub ScriptLibrary repository.

Installing prerequisites

  1. If Microsoft SQL Server is not already installed, run the following Bash prompt with the MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD variable changed to a strong password:

    source /etc/os-release
    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor --batch --yes -o /usr/share/keyrings/microsoft-prod.gpg
    curl -fsSL$VERSION_ID/mssql-server-2022.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-server-2022.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y mssql-server
    sudo MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD="mystrongpassword" MSSQL_PID="evaluation" /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf -n setup accept-eula
    sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set sqlagent.enabled true
    sudo systemctl restart mssql-server

    MSSQL_PID is set to evaluation in this example, but a product key can be entered here instead.

Microsoft currently only supports up to Ubuntu 22.04 for Microsoft SQL Server 2022.

  1. Run this Bash prompt to install PowerShell 7:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common
    source /etc/os-release
    wget -q$VERSION_ID/packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y powershell

Ensure that the installation takes place in a directory that is accessible for the current user as the command line wget downloads a .deb package to said directory.

  1. Choose whether to install the Devolutions.PowerShell module for the current user or all users.

    • For current user (location: ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules), run:

      Install-Module -Name 'Devolutions.PowerShell' -Confirm:$False
    • For all users (location: /opt/microsoft/powershell/7/Modules), run:

      & sudo pwsh -Command { Install-Module -Name 'Devolutions.PowerShell' -Confirm:$False -Scope 'AllUsers' -Force }

    A warning is likely to appear stating that the installation comes from an untrusted repository. The module is hosted on PowerShell Gallery, the official location for hosting PowerShell modules managed by Microsoft. To avoid seeing this warning in the future, run:

    Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted

    Although not required, provisioning separate users and groups for Devolutions Server is highly recommended. Here is a Bash prompt to create a user and a group both named dvls with the installation directory set to /opt/devolutions/dvls:

    sudo useradd -N dvls
    sudo groupadd dvls
    sudo usermod -a -G dvls dvls
    # optional, add current user to dvls group
    sudo usermod -a -G dvls $(id -un)
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/devolutions/dvls
    sudo chown -R dvls:dvls /opt/devolutions/dvls
    sudo chmod 550 /opt/devolutions/dvls

Downloading and installing Devolutions Server for Linux

  1. Run the PowerShell script below to download the latest version of Devolutions Server for Linux and extract the .tar.gz file into the /opt/devolutions/dvls location:

    $DVLSPath = "/opt/devolutions/dvls"
    $DVLSProductURL = ""
    $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'GET' -Uri $DVLSProductURL) -Split "`r"
    $DVLSLinux = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "Version" = (($Result | Select-String DPSLinuxX64bin.Version) -Split "=")[-1].Trim()
        "URL"     = (($Result | Select-String DPSLinuxX64bin.Url) -Split "=")[-1].Trim()
        "Hash"    = (($Result | Select-String DPSLinuxX64bin.hash) -Split "=")[-1].Trim()
    $DVLSDownloadPath = Join-Path -Path "/tmp" -ChildPath (([URI]$DVLSLinux.URL).Segments)[-1]
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'GET' -Uri $DVLSLinux.URL -OutFile $DVLSDownloadPath
    & tar -xzf $DVLSDownloadPath -C $DVLSPath --strip-components=1
    Remove-Item -Path $DVLSDownloadPath
    & sudo pwsh -Command {
      chown -R dvls:dvls $DVLSPath
      chmod -R o-rwx $DVLSPath
      chmod 660 (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'appsettings.json')
      chmod 770 (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'App_Data')
      chown -R dvls:dvls $DVLSPath
    } -Args $DVLSPath
    Set-Location -Path $DVLSPath

    It is best for Devolutions Server to be able to respond over TLS. If a certificate does not exist already, one can be quickly generated using this Bash prompt:

    cd /opt/devolutions/dvls
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -subj "/CN=MYHOST" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:MYHOST"
    openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert.pfx -inkey cert.key -in cert.crt -passout pass:

    In the example above, the subjectAltName uses DNS:. To respond on an IP only, use IP: instead.

Note that the generated .pfx certificate does not have a password.

  1. Using the Devolutions.PowerShell module, run installation for Devolutions Server via PowerShell. Make sure to customize the values listed here:

    • MYHOST
    Import-Module -Name 'Devolutions.PowerShell'
    $DVLSPath = "/opt/devolutions/dvls"
    # Modify the $DVLSURI to use 'https' if using SSL
    $DVLSURI  = "http://MYHOST:5000/"
    $DVLSAdminUsername = 'dvls-admin'
    $DVLSAdminPassword = 'dvls-admin'
    $DVLSAdminEmail    = 'MYEMAIL'
    $Params = @{
        "DatabaseHost"           = "MSSQLHOST"
        "DatabaseName"           = "dvls"
        "DatabaseUserName"       = "DBUSERNAME"
        "DatabasePassword"       = "YOURSTRONGPASSWORD"
        "ServerName"             = "dvls"
        "AccessUri"              = $DVLSURI
        "HttpListenerUri"        = $DVLSURI
        "DPSPath"                = $DVLSPath
        "UseEncryptedconnection" = $False # Modify as needed
        "TrustServerCertificate" = $False # Modify as needed
        "EnableTelemetry"        = $True # Modify as needed
        "DisableEncryptConfig"   = $True
    $Configuration = New-DPSInstallConfiguration @Params
    New-DPSAppsettings -Configuration $Configuration
    $Settings = Get-DPSAppSettings -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath
    New-DPSDatabase -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer
    Update-DPSDatabase -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer -InstallationPath $DVLSPath
    New-DPSDataSourceSettings -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer
    New-DPSEncryptConfiguration -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath
    New-DPSDatabaseAppSettings -Configuration $Configuration
    New-DPSAdministrator -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer -Name $DVLSAdminUsername -Password $DVLSAdminPassword -Email $DVLSAdminEmail

    If a certificate has already been generated, proceed to modify the appsettings.json file to allow Kestrel to respond over TLS using this PowerShell script:

    Import-Module -Name 'Devolutions.PowerShell'
    $DVLSPath = '/opt/devolutions/dvls'
    $JSON = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'appsettings.json') | ConvertFrom-JSON -Depth 100
    $JSON.Kestrel.Endpoints.Http | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Certificate' -Value @{
        'Path'     = (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'cert.pfx')
        'Password' = ''
    $JSON | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'appsettings.json')
    $Settings = Get-DPSAppSettings -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath
    $AccessUri = (Get-DPSAccessUri -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer).AccessUri
    Set-DPSAccessUri -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath -ConnectionString $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer -AccessURI ($AccessUri -Replace "http","https")
    & sudo pwsh -Command {
      & chown dvls:dvls (Join-Path -Path $DVLSPath -ChildPath 'cert.pfx')
    } -Args $DVLSPath

    To offer background running of Devolutions Server for Linux, it is recommended to create a unit file for systemd via this Bash prompt:

    sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/dvls.service > /dev/null <<EOT
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. To start Devolutions Server,run:

    sudo systemctl start dvls
    # View status
    sudo systemctl status dvls

Accessing Devolutions Server for Linux

By default, Devolutions Server for Linux listens on port 5000 on the IP or hostname of the installation system, which most commonly looks like: http://MYHOST:5000. Be aware that OAuth errors may occur upon first launch when trying to access Devolutions Server from a unconfigured URL. If this is the case, add additional URIs to listen on, or modify the primary one by running the following script in PowerShell:

Import-Module -Name 'Devolutions.PowerShell'

$DVLSPath = "/opt/devolutions/dvls"

$Settings = Get-DPSAppSettings -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath
$ConnectionString = $Settings.ConnectionStrings.LocalSqlServer

Get-DPSAccessUri -ConnectionString $ConnectionString

Set-DPSAccessUri -ConnectionString $ConnectionString -ApplicationPath $DVLSPath -AccessURI '' -AdditionalAccessURIs @('http://ubuntu-2204:5000/')

If Devolutions Server remains inaccessible outside of the installed system, check if the requisite firewall ports are opened, by adding Uncomplicated Firewall to the prompt, for example: sudo ufw allow 5000.

Removing Devolutions Server

To remove Devolutions Server, run the Bash prompt below and customize it for the system. This script relies on the DbaTools PowerShell module to facilitate the removal of the MSSQL database. It assumes localhost is the MSSQL installation and dvls the database name.

# Remove DVLS on Linux, adjust as necessary
& sudo systemctl stop dvls.service
& sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/dvls.service
& sudo rm -rf /opt/devolutions/dvls
& sudo userdel -r dvls
& sudo groupdel dvls

Import-Module dbatools
$Credential = Get-Credential


Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Credential -Database 'dvls' -Confirm:$False


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