Voici une liste de contrôle conçue pour aider les administrateurs TI à installer et configurer Remote Desktop Manager pour la première fois lorsqu'ils travaillent dans un environnement d'entreprise utilisant une source de données Devolutions Server ou Devolutions Hub Business.
Télécharger et installer Remote Desktop Manager avant de procéder.
Step 1 - Register your license | Ajouter votre licence à la source de données. Un essai de 30 jours est disponible sur demande. Si vous décidez de ne pas vous enregistrer à la fin de l'essai, vos données ne seront pas altérées ou effacées, et vous y aurez pleinement accès une fois que vous fournirez une clé de licence. |
Step 2 - Add your data source | Warning: When choosing any data source type that is not on-premises, you must consider the security of the data at rest and in transit. We strongly recommend that you further encrypt your data using a master key for file-based solutions or a security provider for advanced data sources. This ensures that only you can read the data. Upon first launch, Remote Desktop Manager uses a local SQLite data source. The different data sources are explained in Data sources. For help selecting a data source tailored to your needs, please see Select a data source type - Enterprises. |
Step 3 - Select your security provider | Select your security provider before importing or creating any data in your database so nobody can read your entry configuration data, even when people have a direct access to your database. |
Step 4 - Create your folder structure | Top level folders are at the foundation of a solid security structure. Your folder structure (folder entries) should represent your company structure. For example, you can create a folder for your Production team, one for your Staging team and one for your Testing team. |
Step 5 - Create your default settings | In File – Settings, you can set options for Remote Desktop Manager and create default settings templates. Each entry type is supported and can have a default template defined to fit your requirements. After you configure the options, use the Custom installer to share the pre-configured version with your team. |
Step 6 - Create users | Remote Desktop Manager supports advanced user management. User accounts must be created manually by an administrator of the database. |
Step 7 - Create user groups | Create user groups to manage your security system. You can then assign users to user groups, making it easy to grant permissions to a set of users instead of having to manage permissions individually. |
Step 8 - Create entries | An entry is how you save information about your sessions (e.g., RDP, SSH), credentials, websites, VPNs, synchronizers, and documents. |
Step 9 - Grant permissions | Once your users are created, you can then grant permissions for user group-based access control. The permissions granted on the folder can be inherited by each entry set under that folder. |
Step 10 - Import your data | The final step is to import your data into Remote Desktop Manager. You can import your sessions, logins, and contacts in a few steps. |
Step 1 - Register your license | Ajouter votre licence à la source de données. Un essai de 30 jours est disponible sur demande. Si vous décidez de ne pas vous enregistrer à la fin de l'essai, vos données ne seront pas altérées ou effacées, et vous y aurez pleinement accès une fois que vous fournirez une clé de licence. |
Step 2 - Add your data source | Warning: When choosing any data source type that is not on-premises, you must consider the security of the data at rest and in transit. We strongly recommend that you further encrypt your data using a master key for file-based solutions or a security provider for advanced data sources. This ensures that only you can read the data. Upon first launch, Remote Desktop Manager uses a local SQLite data source. The different data sources are explained in Data sources. For help selecting a data source tailored to your needs, please see Select a data source type - Enterprises. |
Step 3 - Select your security provider | Select your security provider before importing or creating any data in your database so nobody can read your entry configuration data, even when people have a direct access to your database. |
Step 4 - Create your folder structure | Top level folders are at the foundation of a solid security structure. Your folder structure (folder entries) should represent your company structure. For example, you can create a folder for your Production team, one for your Staging team and one for your Testing team. |
Step 5 - Create your default settings | In File – Settings, you can set options for Remote Desktop Manager and create default settings templates. Each entry type is supported and can have a default template defined to fit your requirements. After you configure the options, use the Custom installer to share the pre-configured version with your team. |
Step 6 - Create users | Remote Desktop Manager supports advanced user management. User accounts must be created manually by an administrator of the database. |
Step 7 - Create user groups | Create user groups to manage your security system. You can then assign users to user groups, making it easy to grant permissions to a set of users instead of having to manage permissions individually. |
Step 8 - Create entries | An entry is how you save information about your sessions (e.g., RDP, SSH), credentials, websites, VPNs, synchronizers, and documents. |
Step 9 - Grant permissions | Once your users are created, you can then grant permissions for user group-based access control. The permissions granted on the folder can be inherited by each entry set under that folder. |
Step 10 - Import your data | The final step is to import your data into Remote Desktop Manager. You can import your sessions, logins, and contacts in a few steps. |