
The View tab is used to control different features regarding the panels, views, logs, and layout of Remote Desktop Manager.



Vault Access the view mode of the Navigation pane for the current vault.
User vault Display your user vault in the Navigation pane.
Opened Sessions Display the currently opened sessions in the Navigation pane.
PAM Dashboard Connect to a privileged account, copy its password, and manage its checkout/check-in process through a privileged access management dashboard.
Favorites Display your favorite entries and folders in the Navigation pane.
Recent Display your most recently used entries in the Navigation pane.
Task List Display a list of your current tasks.
Search Search items through your database/data source using specific criteria.


Quick Connect Launch a Quick Connect session.
Activity Logs Open the Activity Logs.
Credential List Open a window to view the credential entries in the database.
Macros/Scripts/Tools List Open a window to search for macros, scripts, or tools in the database.
Synchronizer List Open a window to search for synchronizer entries in the database.
VPN List Open a window to search for VPN entries in the database.
Tab Groups Open a docked window to browse through the various tab groups.
Notification Open a window to browse through the various notifications (such as entries expired or about to be, or tasks).
Message Open a window to access your messages.


This section only appears when using an individual type data source.

Local connection logs Open a window to access your local logs.


Navigation Toggle the Navigation pane.
Dashboard Toggle the Dashboard.
Thumbnails Toggle the Thumbnails.
Top Pane (Ribbon/Menubar) Toggle the Ribbon (right-click the application header to bring it back or use Alt+F11).
Tab group bar Toggle the Tab group bar (must have group tabs to work).
Status Bar Toggle the Status bar.
Description Toggle the Description pane.
Asset Toggle the Asset pane.
Attachments Toggle the Attachments pane.
Logs Toggle the Logs pane.
Vault Access the view mode of the Navigation pane for the current vault.
User vault Display your user vault in the Navigation pane.
Opened Sessions Display the currently opened sessions in the Navigation pane.
Favorites Display your favorite entries and folders in the Navigation pane.
Recent Display your most recently used entries in the Navigation pane.
PAM Dashboard Connect to a privileged account, copy its password, and manage its checkout/check-in process through a privileged access management dashboard.
Task List Display a list of your current tasks.
Advanced Search Search items through your database/data source using specific criteria.
Multi vault Search Search items through multiple vaults in your database using specific criteria.
Quick Connect Launch a Quick Connect session.
Credential List Open a window to view the credential entries in the database.
Downloads Open a window to view files downloaded through a browser entry.
Message Open a window to access your messages.
Navigation Toggle the Navigation pane.
Dashboard Toggle the Dashboard.

This section only appears when using an individual type data source.

Local connection logs Open a window to access your local logs.

Although they are windowed by default, all those panes can be dragged and docked anywhere within Remote Desktop Manager.

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