Configure an Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) session entry in Remote Desktop Manager

This article details the many settings and options available for Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) session entries in Remote Desktop Manager.

Apple Remote Desktop settings and options
Apple Remote Desktop settings and options





The name of the entry.


The folder where the entry is located. A folder can be selected by clicking the arrow or the three dots to open the Folder window. To create a new folder, click on the plus (+) icon.


How the session is displayed. Embedded (tabbed) means that the remote connection is open within the same window as the other tabs or entries. Each connection has its own tab, making it easy to switch between them. An undocked display refers to the session window being detached from the main application. It allows you to move and resize the remote session window freely on your desktop.


Host configured lets you select the host. Linked (vault) indicates that the host for the entry is linked to a host entry. Inherited is used when the host is inherited from a higher-level or parent entry.


  • Username and password: You will set the username and password in the General tab.

  • Linked (vault): Links to credentials available in the current shared vault.

  • Inherited: Inheritance means that credentials will automatically be passed down from a higher-level entry to lower-level entries that inherit from it.

  • My personal credentials: These credentials are not entry specific but are instead taken from the option under FileMy account settingsLocal credentialsMy personal credentials.

  • None: Remote Desktop Manager will not send credentials to the entry.

  • Find by name (user vault): Searches for the name of an entry in the user vault.

  • My privileged account: These credentials are not entry specific but are instead taken from the option under FileMy account settingsLocal credentialsMy privileged account.

General tab

Host Enter a hostname or choose one from a list by clicking on the ellipsis button.
Username Enter the session's login username.
Password Enter the session's login password.
Port Select the default port or use the Port generator to generate one.

Settings tab

ScaledScale the remote display to fit the session's embedded or undocked window.
Preserve aspect ratioAutomatically stretch and/or crop the image to preserve quality if the resolution differs between the remote and local monitors.

Choose which remote monitor to display, either Default ,Primary, Custom. It is also possible to send a prompt to determine this as the session is launched.

PerformanceSet the image quality of the remote monitor between:
  • Full quality (zlib full colors)

  • Low quality (zlib black & white)

  • Medium quality (zlib grayscale)

  • High quality (zlib 16-bit colors)

  • Adaptive quality (Apple MVS codec)

Resolution qualitySet the resolution quality of the remote monitor between:
  • Default

  • Low

  • High

View only (input ignored)Disallow input in the remote session.
Request shared session

Send a request for a shared session if a user is already using the remote machine.

Enable clipboard transfer

Allow transferring the content of the clipboard from the local machine to the remote one and vice versa.

Authentication type Choose ARD authentication type between:
  • ARD: Take control on the remote machine without asking the local user for permission.

  • ARD ask observe: Send a prompt to the local user of the remote machine asking for permission to observe (view only without input).

  • ARD ask control: Send a prompt to the local user of the remote machine asking for permission to send input.

Connection timeoutThe length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the remote machine before terminating the attempt and generating an error.

Advanced tab

Mouse cursor

Set the behavior of the mouse cursor between:

  • Track remote cursor locally

  • Let remote server deal with mouse cursor

  • Don't show remote cursor

Swap mouse button 2 and 3Switch mouse button 2 and 3.
Apply Windows key combinations (for example ALT+TAB)

Choose on which machine, and under what circumstances, the Windows combinations should apply (ex. ALT+TAB). Here are the options:

  • On the local computer

  • On the remote screen

  • In fullscreen mode only

Keyboard layout

Choose between the Qwerty and Azerty keyboard layouts (Qwerty being the default).

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