The present article shows how to reset Remote Desktop Manager to its original settings, allowing users to identity and resolve installation-related issues. Here are the steps to follow:
Ensure that Remote Desktop Manager is completely closed.
Head over to Remote Desktop Manager's configuration folder (by default C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Devolutions), and rename the RemoteDesktopManager folder to something indicating it is no longer to be used, e.g., RemoteDesktopManager.old.
Launch Remote Desktop Manager again. Doing so automatically creates a new RemoteDesktopManager folder with default configurations, and sets Remote Desktop Manager to behave as if freshly installed.
If resetting Remote Desktop Manager does not resolve the issues, remove the new RemoteDesktopManager folder created upon launching, and rename the RemoteDesktopManager.old folder back to its former name.
Head over to Users – Documentation – Library – Application Support.
Locate and rename Remote Desktop Manager's configuration folder (either com.devolutions.remotedesktopmanager or to something indicating it is no longer to be used, e.g., com.devolutions.remotedesktopmanager.old.
Restart the Remote Desktop Manager application. Doing so creates a new configuration files with default settings.
Recover local data (if applicable) by relocating Connection.db from the old configuration folder to the new one.
If resetting Remote Desktop Manager does not resolve the issues, move Connection.db back into RemoteDesktopManager.old , remove the new RemoteDesktopManager folder created upon launching, and rename the RemoteDesktopManager.old folder back to its former name.
Open a terminal and rename the existing Remote Desktop Manager configuration folder by running the following script:
mv ~/.rdm ~/.rdm.old && remotedesktopmanager
Launch Remote Desktop Manager and close it again. This creates a new configuration folder in the default location.
Close Remote Desktop Manager and move the Connection.db file from the old configuration folder into the new one by running the following script:
mv ~/.rdm.old/Connections.db ~/.rdm && remotedesktopmanager
If issues persist, it may be necessary to investigate other potential causes, such as corrupted entries in Connections.db or compatibility issues.