Command line arguments

Remote Desktop Manager can be launched using a command line.

Some features are only available in the Team Edition. Remote Desktop Manager also offers a Web Protocol Handler.

Retrieve ID and create an executable

It is possible to get the IDs of a database, data source, entry, and vault.

  1. Right-click on the entry and select Properties. Properties

  2. Navigate to CommonEntry information. Entry information

  3. Click the Copy button. Copy

  4. Paste the command line into a Windows command prompt and press Enter to create an executable. Command prompt

Retrieve a data source ID

Here is another way to get only data source IDs:

  1. Go to FileData Sources. Alternatively, click on the ellipsis next to the data source name in the Navigation pane.

  2. Select a data source and click on Edit data source. Edit data source

  3. Click on ID to copy it into the Windows clipboard. ID

Usage: RemoteDesktopManager.exe parameters

Parameters Description
{filename [.rdm,.rdp]} Open in embedded or external mode the connection from file name.
/Silent Execute the application minimized in a system tray icon. This option cannot be combined with other parameters.
/Database:{database id} Specify the data base ID.
/Datasource:{datasource id} Specify the data source ID.
/Session:{session ID};{session ID}...
Specify one or more session IDs.
/ChangePassword:{new password} Change the session password. Only available for Remote Desktop sessions and embedded passwords. The data source ID and the session ID are required.
/Template:{template ID}
/Host:{host name}
Open the template ID with the specified host name and an optional username/password. The template ID is the Session ID of the template.
/Profiler Starts the profiler at start of application. Good for profiling the start process.
/Title:"{title}" Specify a tab title when using an embedded session.
/Filter:{filter} Execute the application with the filter filled with a parameter.
/TabPage: Dashboard The Dashboard is selected at startup of the application.


Example #1 - Open a template and connect to a host RemoteDesktopManager.exe /DataSource:178c2fda-dab4-4f41-98df-6e3205c0a011 /Template:a666b21b-1479-4eee-b482-0a3d561d2411 /Host:Windjammer-PC1

Example #2 - Open a session RemoteDesktopManager.exe /DataSource:178c2fda-dab4-4f41-98df-6e3205c0a011 /Session:474bcbcf-d507-435b-8c0a-a9e868781910

Example #3 - Start Remote Desktop Manager with the profiler RemoteDesktopManager.exe /Profiler

Example #4 - Set a passphrase on the Database RemoteDesktopManager64.exe /Database:B26638B2-7957-466C-192B-6621DA12179A /SecurityProviderPassphrase:Password

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