The Entry security analyzer evaluates the strength of passwords stored in the data source. A strength password control is also displayed under most password fields of entries.

The analyzer follows a set of rules to determine the strength of the password with a score from 0 to 100. There are two categories of rules.
These are the rules which make the passwords stronger:
The password length
The number of uppercase letters (A-Z)
The number of lowercase letters (a-z)
The number of digits (0-9)
The number of symbols (!, @, #, $, etc.)
The number of digits or symbols in the middle of the password
Three or more of the rules above are met
The minimum requirements for a strong password are:
The password is at least 5 characters long
The password contains uppercase and lowercase characters
The password contains digits
These are the rules which make the passwords weaker:
The password contains only letters
The password contains only digits
The password has repeated characters
The password has consecutive uppercase letters (two or more)
The password has consecutive lowercase letters (two or more)
The password has consecutive digits (two or more)
The password has sequential letters (ABCD, DCBA)
The password has sequential digits (1234, 4321)

Show all entries | Shows you all the entries in your session, including those without password. |
Show VPN analysis | Add the VPN Host column. |
Show compromised password (pwned) | Show if the password has been pwned. A pwned password is a password that has been exposed in data breaches (i.e., they are owned/pwned by hackers). |
Edit | Open the current entry to edit it. |
Forbidden passwords | Create a list of prohibited passwords. |
Export settings | Export the password analyzer settings. |

In a single glance you can see the strength ratings of all your stored passwords.
Edit | Allows you to open the current entry so you can edit it. |
Show all | When option is unchecked, only entries with actual password stored in them will be displayed. |
Show compromised password (pwned) | Show if the password has been pwned. A pwned password is a password that has been exposed in data breaches (i.e., they are owned/pwned by hackers). |
Forbidden passwords | Display the password that you have in your blacklisted forbidden password. |