Tag management

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The Tag management section allows adding, renaming, and assigning/unassigning tags to specific entries within the currently opened data source. Note that tags can be managed separately for Shared vaults, User vaults, and System vault contained in the data source by using the tabs up top.

Edit – Tag management
Edit – Tag management

As for the columns, Keyword lists the tags' names, Is default indicates whether the tag is inherited from the System settings, andOccurrence shows the number of entries currently using the tag.

Tag management main window
Tag management main window
Add Creates a new tag and opens the Assign tag to entries window afterwards.
Rename Renames the selected tag.
Assign tag to entries Allows users to assign/unassign the currently selected tag to specific entries and folders.
Unassign all entries Unassigns every tag from every entry in the current data source.

See also

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