Create a Devolutions Server staging instance

To perform testing on an instance of Devolutions Server without altering the data in production, deploy a test instance based on a copy of the production instance.

The following steps describe how to create a test instance hosted on the same machine as the production instance.

Copying a production instance of Devolutions Server to a staging environment can impact privileged accounts if the PAM module is in use. To avoid this, remove the privileged accounts from the staging instance and create new ones specifically for the staging environment.

  1. Perform a full backup of the production database.

  2. Restore the database under a new name.

  3. Export the encryption keys from the production instance of Devolutions Server (if not already been performed).

  4. Create a new instance in the Devolutions Server Console. It is recommended to create the test instance using the same version as the production instance.

  5. In the database step, enter the information related to the database copy created on step 2.

  6. Once prompted for it, provide the encryption key file exported in step 3. Encryption keys for existing database

  7. Make a full backup of the staging database when the creation is complete.

  8. Install and test all the additional features, such as the scheduler service, the recording server, and the Devolutions Gateway.

From this point on, you can perform the Devolutions Server Console upgrade and update the test instance. The console is designed to support earlier versions of Devolutions Server.

Migrating Devolutions Server to another server

The instructions above can be used to migrate the Devolutions Server instance to a new server.

If desired, you can disconnect the old machine from your domain and rename the new one to match the original machine name. Doing so eliminates the need to update the access URI and the Devolutions Server data source in Remote Desktop Manager.

If you plan to migrate the SQL database to a new server, this should be done after completing the Devolutions Server migration. Once the database has been migrated, update the database configuration via the Devolutions Server Console.

If you plan to move the Devolutions Server instance to a new identity provider, you can also use the authentication migration tool to transfer users and user groups to the new provider seamlessly.

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