Vault management

The Vault Management section allows you to set default permissions and create new permission sets, as well as force the save location of My Account Settings.

Vault management

Administration - System settings - Vault management
Administration - System settings - Vault management

Default vault visibility

Option Description
Public - Allow access requests Users can request access to the vault.

Private - Invitation only This setting makes the vault accessible only to users who are invited.

Default permissions

Option Description
Permission Set all the default permissions in the different tabs to Default, Custom, or Disallowed.
Grant Access Get access to the Batch Grant Access feature when selecting Custom in the Permission drop-down list. It allows you to set permissions and permission sets to multiple users, user groups, and/or application users at once.

My account settings

Option Description
Forced save location Choose to force or not My Account Settings to be saved in the database or locally.

Permission sets

Option Description
Add "+" Create a custom list of permissions that can be applied to the permissions of an entry/folder/vault through the Batch Grant Access feature. Some permission sets already exist by default.

Security settings

Option Description
Allow Workspace browser extension autofill Enable or disable Workspace browser extension autofill in Devolutions Server.
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