The redirect URI specified in the request does not match the redirect URI configured for the application

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The following Office365 authentication issue occurs on an updated Devolutions Server instance from a version older than 2022.1.13.0 to 2022.1.13 or higher.

When trying to authenticate on the Devolutions Server web interface using the Office365 authentication method, the following error is displayed. !!KB8099


  1. Go in the Azure Active Directory portal.

  2. Find the Devolutions Server Web application in App Registration. Azure App Registration

  3. In the Redirect URIs properties of the application, update the URI from https://<access_uri>/login to this URI https://<access_uri>/api/external-provider-response. Redirect URI

  4. Save the modification.

  5. Reload the Devolutions Server web page to login properly with your Office365 account.

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