The following steps will explain how to define which server is answering when connecting on the Devolutions Server web page on a High Availability/Load Balancing topology.
- Open IIS Manager on the server where the Devolutions Server is hosted.
- Expand the nodes in the Connections pane and select the Devolutions Server web application.
- Open the HTTP Response Headers.
- Click on Add.. in the Actions pane to add a new HTTP Response Header.
- Enter a Name and a Value that will identify the server. Then click on OK to save this information.
- Repeat steps 1 to 5 on each server of your High Availability/Load Balancing cluster. It is important to set a different value for each server but keeping the same Name.
- Open your favorite browser.
- Open the Developer Tools in the browser. Usually the F12 key will open the Developer Tools in Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
- Browse to your Devolutions Server web page.
- Using Firefox, in the Network tab, you should find the Custom HTTP Response Header value of the answering server of the cluster.
Command Line
%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE set config "Default Web Site" -section:system.webServer/httpProtocol /+"customHeaders.[name='X-Server-Name',value='node1']" /commit:apphost