AnyIdentity providers

Devolutions PAM offers a variety of managed providers, but it is not feasible to support every identity provider. This is where AnyIdentity providers become essential.

AnyIdentity providers are an extension of managed providers, designed to bridge the gap between the identity providers natively supported by the Devolutions PAM module through managed providers and the numerous other identity providers that Devolutions customers may be using.

An AnyIdentity provider can support various identity providers not natively supported by Devolutions PAM, such as:

  • Cloud-based identity providers: Providers like Okta or Google Workspace, which manage access to cloud applications and services.
  • Custom applications: Any in-house system your organization has developed that maintains its own user database and authentication mechanisms.
  • Legacy systems: Older applications or databases that may not easily integrate with modern identity management solutions.

AnyIdentity providers utilize various actions, written in PowerShell as action scripts, which are executed either on-demand or on a scheduled basis via scan configurations. These actions include discovering identity provider credentials, detecting credential changes, and rotating passwords for credentials.

  • Account discovery: Enumerates credentials on an identity provider.
  • Heartbeat: Detects whether a credential has changed since the last heartbeat.
  • Password rotation: Changes account passwords to a new, secure password

If you are proficient in PowerShell, you can create AnyIdentity providers or utilize any of the pre-built templates.

AnyIdentity provider
AnyIdentity provider

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