Privileged accounts

Devolutions Hub's privileged access management module allows privileged account passwords to be automatically reset once access has expired. You can also manually trigger the password reset via the menu.

Privileged accounts are added and managed in the PAM vault. The accounts can be organized within folders or directly saved in the root.

Privileged account in PAM
Privileged account in PAM

You can use the Check-out feature to request temporary access to a privileged account entry in a PAM vault. The approver must then approve or deny the request. To learn more about this process, see Request access to a privileged account or Approve access to a privileged account.

Create a privileged account entry

The only entry types that can be added in your PAM vault (except for folders) are Azure AD users and managed Providers.

Privileged account in PAM
Privileged account in PAM

When creating your privileged account, you need to provide some information. See the table below.

General information

Option Description
Name Name of the privileged account entry.
Folder Location of the entry inside the PAM vault. Leave it empty to create the entry at the root.

Connection information

Option Description
Provider Name of the PAM provider.
Username Username of the privileged account. The username must match the real username used in the provider.
Current password If you know the password, enter it here. If not, you can leave this field blank and reset the password on the entry after its creation. Editing your password in the Edit credential window only changes your password in the hub database. The password will not be updated on the domain. If you would like to change your password everywhere, click Reset password on the credential entry.

Password settings

Password template modeSelect the password template mode to use between:
  • Inherited: Inherits the password template specified in the parent folder.

  • Custom: Select a custom password template previously created.

  • From provider: Uses the provider's password template.

Verifying your configuration

To make sure that your configuration and the Devolutions Hub Services installation work properly, try resetting your password after having created the entry. To do so, select the entry in the Navigation pane. Then, click the ellipsis button at the top right and select Reset password.

Reset password
Reset password

In the entry logs, you can see the different activities from the request to the password reset.

Entry logs
Entry logs

To see the password reset status, go to the Tasks report in Reports – Privileged access – Tasks. If it worked, you will see that the task status is set to Completed.

Completed password reset task
Completed password reset task
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