The Workspace browser extension settings can be accessed via the Settings button in the browser extension window regardless of the Devolutions application being used with the Workspace browser extension.

The Settings are separated in two categories: Configuration and Spaces.

The General settings are about the user interface and interaction.
Show icon in fields | Show the Workspace browser extension icon, along with the number of credentials |
Show save credentials dialog | Show the prompt to save credentials when saving credentials on new login. |
Show Passkey prompt | Show the prompt to enter Passkey. |
Show context menu option | Show the context menu options. |
Color the filled fields | Apply a custom color the filled credentials fields. |
Theme | Choose a Workspace browser extension theme between:
The Never list displays the list of locally added websites to which the user will never be prompted to save their credentials.
Types are Never add site, Never Autofill, Never do anything, and Never show icons in fields.
Matching options are Base domain, Host, Starts with, RegEx, and Exact.
The Import/Export Settings allow to save and transfer the currently set preferred settings.
Import settings from other browsers or users.
Choose to export the Workspace browser extension Settings, Password Generator templates, and the Never List.
The Spaces settings are used to customize the Workspace browser extension interactions with Remote Desktop Manager, Devolutions Server, and Devolutions Hub Business or Devolutions Hub Personal.
Enable Remote Desktop Manager app | Retrieve entries from Remote Desktop Manager when the application is open. |
Use default port (19443) | Communicate with the default port 19443 between the application. |
Add entry in user vault by default | Save new entries in the user vault. |
Destination folder | Choose the folder where the credentials are stored in the vault. |
Automatically retrieve credentials on page load | The Workspace browser extension automatically searches for credentials in the data source when connecting to a website. If disabled, click on the Workspace browser extension icon to manually retrieve credentials. |
Automatically fill in credentials on load | Automatically fill the credentials when loading a web page. |
Automatically submit the form after filling | Automatically submit the credentials when the fields are filled. |
Application key | Secure the communication with an application key by using the same code in Remote Desktop Manager and the Workspace browser extension. |
Enable native messaging | Exchange messages with a native application installed on the user's computer. |
Use legacy API | Use the old browser extension API for compatibility with older versions of Remote Desktop Manager. |
Enable Devolutions Server | Retrieve entries from Devolutions Server. |
Destination vault | Choose the vault where the credentials are stored. |
Destination folder | Choose the folder where the credentials are stored in the vault. |
Server URL | Enter the URL of the Devolutions Server instance to connect to. |
Automatically retrieve credentials on page load | The Workspace browser extension automatically searches for credentials in the data source when connecting to a website. |
Automatically fill in credentials on load | Automatically fill the credentials when loading a web page. |
Automatically submit the form after filling | Automatically submit the credentials when the fields are filled. |
Default compare type | Set a default comparing option type between Base domain, Host, Starts with, RegEx, Exact, and Never. |
Sync all available vaults | Enable to synchronize all the available vaults from Devolutions Server. |
Enable Devolutions Hub Business/Personal | Retrieve entries from Devolutions Hub. |
Server URL (available with Devolutions Hub Business only) | Enter the URL of the Devolutions Hub Business instance to connect to. |
Username | Enter a username to connect to Devolutions Hub with. |
Automatically fill in credentials on load | Automatically fill the credentials when loading a web page. |
Automatically submit the form after filling | Automatically submit the credentials when the fields are filled. |
Devolutions Account login | Set the Devolutions Account's login URL. |
Show Favicon | Display the Workspace browser extension favicon. |
Workspace apps | Enable or disable the Workspace browser extension with Devolutions Hub. |
Default compare type | Set a default comparing option type between Base domain, Host, Starts with, RegEx, Exact, and Never. |
Sync all available vaults (available with Devolutions Hub Business only) | Enable to synchronize all the available vaults from Devolutions Hub Business. |